Many students of the book believe that Peter was not the author of the letter because it seems been written by someone who had learned rhetoric and philosophy, and had studied the Greek language,[1] none of which would be usual for a Galileanfisherman. Others believe that Peter used an educatedsecretary to help him write the letter or that he studied relevant subjects in the decades-long period between Jesus' death and Peter's writing of the letter.
To whom it was sent
1 Peter was sent to the “elect resident aliens” living in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. These were Roman provinces in Asia Minor. In Chapter 1, verse 17, they are told to “live in reverent fear during the time of your exile".[2] Peter calls them "strangers", in the first verse of the letter. This could mean Christians wishing for their home in heaven, or people in a different place from where they were born. While local people may have been unkind to the Christians, Peter tells them to stay loyal to both their religion and the Roman Empire (Chapter 2, verse 17).[3]
What Peter tells the Christians
(1) to keep faithful even when other treat them badly. (Chapters 1 and 2)
(2) to live a holy life in every day ways. (Chapter 2 and 3)
(3) He uses the example of JesusChrist and other reasons to be patient and holy in Chapters 3 and 4.
(4) He concludes with advice to pastors and people (Chapter 5).
↑Achtemeier, Paul. Peter 1 Hermeneia. Fortress Press. 1996
↑Stanton, Graham. Eerdmans Commentary of the Bible. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2003.