During the Devonian period, a great increase in fish variety occurred, especially among the ostracoderms and placoderms, and also among the lobe-finned fish and early sharks, which meant that this was the age of fishes.
The conodonts are an extinct group of agnathans that looked like eels. They appeared in a different time and died out 200 million years ago. One of them is a creature called Promissum.
Lobe-finned fishes, class Sarcopterygii, are mostly extinct bony fishes. They lived a very long time ago. Most of them died already, while few, such as the coelacanths, have survived.
The first tetrapodomorphs, which included the rhizodonts, had the same general anatomy as the lungfish, who were their closest kin, but they appear not to have left their water habitat until the late Devonian epoch (385 - 359 Ma), with the first appearance of tetrapods.