The Ender's Game series (sometimes called Enderverse) is a series of books written by Orson Scott Card. There are 2 major series of the Ender's Game series: the Ender series and the Shadow series.
The Shadow series (also called the "Bean Quartet") starts with Ender's Shadow, followed by 4 other books about the lives of the people Ender left behind. Ender's Shadow occurs at the same time and place (Battle School) as Ender's Game does, but instead in the view of Bean rather than Ender. Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, and Shadow of the Giant are stories about world dominance on Earth after the Bugger War in which the children at Battle School and Ender's older brother, Peter Wiggin, are main characters. Shadows in Flight, a sequel to Shadow of the Giant, is planned to come out; however, it will start after Children of the Mind, not Shadow of the Giant, and will combine the two Ender's Game series: the Ender series and the Shadow series. ShadowsinFlight has recently been renamed to ShadowsAlive.
Stories in the series
There are 11 stories in the Ender's Game series. According to Orson Scott Card, the author, you do not have to read the books in any required order, except that Xenocide should be read right before Children of the Mind.[1]
The books can be read in the order they were written/published in or by date times in the novels.