Earshot (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

"Earshot" is an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3. It got delayed due to the Columbine High School massacre from April 27th to September 21st, 1999.


Buffy has touched a demon with has white fluid that can make her hear people’s thoughts. One of the thoughts she heard at the cafeteria was that someone is planning to kill someone else. The Scooby Gang have made a list of suspects on who would try to murder somebody at Sunnydale High. Buffy figured out that Jonathan Levinson is carrying a gun at the school bell. She told him not to hurt people. He explained that he wanted to kill himself. The real attempted murderer happens to be the lunch lady putting rat poison in food.


The episode was tastefully delayed due to Columbine and showing it then-recent would make it in poor taste given that one character uses a gun in a high school and that another character plans to start a massacre at the same high school.