DuckTales is an American animated television series. The series is a reboot of the original series with the same name, which aired from 1987 to 1990. The series first aired on August 12, 2017, with the first 44-minute pilot episode, "Woo-oo!", followed by a marathon that lasted 24 hours. The series officially premiered on September 23 that year on Disney XD until December 2. The series was then moved to Disney Channel on May 4, 2018, with re-runs airing on Disney XD. The series then moved once again on Disney XD with the third season on April 4, 2020. The series ended with "The Last Adventure!", which aired on March 15, 2021. The series currently airs re-runs on Disney XD. The series has since been removed from Disney channel following the removal of Disney's Amphibia and before the removal of The Owl House.
Season 1
Dewey and Webby set out to find the truth about Scrooge and Donald's strained relationship and the unexplained disappearance of the boys' mother and Donald's twin sister Della Duck while Magica manipulates events to facilitate her return and seek revenge on Scrooge for imprisoning her in his Number One Dime for fifteen years.
Season 2
Scrooge and Glomgold compete to become the richest duck in the world by the end of the year while Louie tries to start up his own multi-million dollar business in hopes of following in Scrooge's footsteps. Della reunites with her family after she escapes from the Moon and adjusts to her newfound motherhood, unaware that the Moonlanders, led by General Lunaris, are planning to invade Earth.
Season 3
In season three, the Ducks discover the journal of the legendary explorer Isabella Finch, which details several lost treasures, and begin a globetrotting expedition to find them all while the criminal organization F.O.W.L. plots to eliminate the Ducks and obtain the treasures first in order to rid the world of adventuring.