A dating platform is a website, which focuses on matching peple with similar interests. Usually, this is done to find someone to have a date with. Sometimes, this is like a marriage broker. When people visit the site, they can create a profile. The people running the site, will then show matching profiles, and give a means to contact the other people. Usually, this is a paying service, people pay a fee to get a number of matches. There may be other fees, such as that of being able ot send a message, to see pictures, or to be able to answer a message.
These platforms can be differentiated:
- Finding a partner - much like a marriage agency
- Casual dating
- serving special interest groups (for example, finding someone who is also into certain sexual fetishes, or into BDSM...)
Different target group:
- The platform caters to anyone. There are many people registered, and finding a match is not difficult.
- Specialized dating platforms: For example, only taking people with a higher education, or people who adhere to a religious group
Different financing:
- Some of these platforms are free to use. They will likely finance themselves using advertising
- Some platfpoms require a paid subscription
Ways to find matches:
- When people are registered, they are able to search for matches, and to filter those matches according to certain criteria (such as age).
- Some platforms screen their profiles, so as to eliminate fake profiles (of people that don't really exist, and are there to trick users)
- Some platofrms guarantee a certain number of matches or contact requests.