Date (伊達市, Date-shi) is a city in northern Fukushima, Japan.
There were nine towns in Date District, Fukushima. On January 1, 2006, five towns in Date District joined together and became the city of Date. These five towns were Hobara, Yanagawa, Date, Ryōzen, and Tsukidate. Hobara was in the center.
The Date family
The Date clan was a powerful group during the Edo period. They controlled Miyagi and southern Iwate. After the Edo period, in the Meiji period, many samurai lost their land during the Meiji Restoration. The Date clan also lost their land. Part of the family went to Hokkaidõ. They started another city, Date, Hokkaidõ. The family name of Date clan came from Fukushima.
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
Date is about 60 km north-west of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Date is outside the area people are not allowed to live. However, radiation in the city made people, especially schoolchildren, stay indoors more.[2]
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