The player controls a high school student named Makoto Naegi. Makoto is invited to a school called Hope's Peak Academy along with 14 other students. Hope's Peak Academy is led by a robot bear named Monokuma. Monokuma tells the students that they are trapped inside the school, and that only way to leave the school is by killing another student. Throughout the game, Makoto and the other students must solve various murders that happen inside the school.
Each character has a special talent called an "Ultimate" ability. Students can only be invited to Hope's Peak Academy if they have one of these special talents.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student: Makoto is the main character the player plays as during the game. Makoto is an average high school student with no special talent. He was invited to Hope's Peak Academy as part of a raffle.
Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Detective: At the beginning of the game, Kyoko does not tell the other students her talent. She helps Makoto solve many of the murder cases during the game.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Sensation
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Fashionista: Junko is a famous fashion model. She is later revealed to be the "mastermind" who invited all the students to Hope's Peak Academy.