In combat sports like fencing, boxing, karate, etc., the cover is a defensive movement permitting to protect oneself against strikes by placing a weapon or a body part like the fist, forearm, elbow, arm or shoulder before the aim aimed by this attack.
This form of defence, so-called "passive", is different from the block or parry that are considered "active". The cover has nearly the same meaning as "protection" especially in boxing when a fighter raises his arm in order to protect his face or head against a possible attack.
One puts cover to use:
in expecting way in case of the opponent's attack, especially in order to protect his or her own forward movement (example: raising the shoulder before the jaw, covering oneself with the arm and the glove)
in instantaneous (i.e. happening at once) way when the opponent's attack is launched.
Side cover by the arm and the glove during an attack of crescent kick
Cover so-called "roof of the house" during an attack of overcut
Cover by the shoulder during an attack of cross of the rear arm
Georges Blanchet, Boxe et sports de combat en éducation physique, Ed. Chiron, Paris, 1947
Alain Delmas, 1. Lexique de la boxe et des autres boxes (Document fédéral de formation d’entraîneur), Aix-en-Provence, 1981-2005 - 2. Lexique de combatique (Document fédéral de formation d’entraîneur), Toulouse, 1975-1980.
Jack Dempsey, Championship fighting, Ed. Jack Cuddy, 1950
Gabrielle & Roland Habersetzer, Encyclopédie des arts martiaux de l'Extrême-Orient, Ed. Amphora, Paris, 2000
Louis Lerda, J.C. Casteyre, Sachons boxer, Ed. Vigot, Paris, 1944