The Consumer Electronics Show, also known as just CES, is a yearly conference for technology held every January at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Technology companies come here to host previews of their products and announce new products. It is not open to the public. Products that were first introduced to the public at a Consumer Electronics Show include the videocassette recorder (in 1970), the camcorder (in 1981), high-definition television (in 1998), the Xbox (in 2001), and the Blu-ray Disc (in 2003).[1] It was first held in June 1967 in New York City.[2]
In 2009, Jeopardy! taped the Tournament of Champions and Celebrity Jeopardy! at that year's show. It introduced a new set that would become their main set in the fall of 2009.[3]
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