The Comunità montana Walser Alta Valle del Lys ("Walser Upper Lys Valley mountain community", in FrenchCommunauté de montagne Walser Haute Vallée du Lys, in GermanWalser Berggemeinschaft Oberlystal) is an association of 4 comuni in the Italian region of Valle d'Aosta.
This Comunità is in the eastern part of Valle d'Aosta, to the east of Aosta, the capital city of the region. The comuni are in a small valley, the Lys or Gressoney valley. This small valley is lateral to the main valley of Aosta and through it flows the Lys river.
The Comunità montana Walser Alta Valle del Lys has a total area of about 203.02 km2 (78.39 sq mi) and a population of 2,025;[1] its population density is of 10 inhabitants/km2.
The headquarters of the mountain community are in Issime.