The Chantilly-Tiffany is a breed of cat. It is also known as Chantilly, Tiffany or Foreign Longhair.
Chantilly-Tiffany is a medium-sized cat that can weigh up to 4-5 kg, with males being heavier than females. The head is triangular in shape with a short, wide muzzle and small chin. The Chantilly has wide cheekbones. The ears are medium-sized, wide at the bottom, and face forward. The eye color is orange and sometimes with a green stripe surrounding the iris.[1][2][3]
Chantilly has a mane around the neck. The tail fur is soft, silky, and look beautiful. The hallmark of the Chantilly-Tiffany is its brown coat color. Nowadays, the color of the chantilly is diverse, including blue, brown, black, white, and others with tabby color patterns. Black is the rarest color, and white is a color that does not match the standard. Now cat breeders are trying to preserve the chantilly in its original color, which is brown.[4]
Chantilly is a loyal, adaptable, and people-friendly cat. It is a cat that is neither too active nor too lazy. Chantilly is usually closer to one person in the cat owner's family. Chantilly usually meow in a sweet and gentle voice to the people it loves. They do not like to be left alone for long time. In addition, these cats are calm and not afraid of strangers.[5]