Benidorm is a British sitcom written and created by Derren Litten and produced by Tiger Aspect Productions for ITV that aired for ten series from 1 February 2007 until 2 May 2018.
The series features an ensemble cast of holiday makers and staff at the Solana all-inclusive hotel in Benidorm, Spain over the course of a week each year.
Each series, different families and couples arrive in an all-inclusive hotel in Benidorm. There are many different characters and storylines throughout the series.
Behind the scenes
The Solana is the fictionalhotel featured in the show, where most of the characters stay. The pool scenes are filmed at the Sol Pelicanos Ocas Hotel in Benidorm, and the room scenes are filmed in the Acuariam II Apartments (which overlook the pool). The reception area and the salon is filmed in a studio set in a building opposite Benidorm Palace, known as "The Pink House".
Neptune's is an all-inclusive bar/restaurant featured in the show, and owned by The Solana. Most of the characters are seen here in the evening, where seemingly there is karaoke and live entertainment every night.
After the end of the tenth season, it was confirmed that the show would not return. This was because fewer people were watching the show in its final years.