The Battle of Bosworth or Bosworth Field was an important battle during the Wars of the Roses in 15th centuryEngland. It was fought on 22 August 1485 between the YorkistKingRichard III, the last of the Plantagenet dynasty, and the Lancastrian [[Henry VII of England|Henry Tudor]], who wanted to become king. It ended in the defeat and death of Richard and the beginning of the Tudor dynasty. Historically, the battle is thought to have marked the end of the Wars of the Roses, although smaller battles were fought in the years that followed as Yorkists unsuccessfully tried to become king again.
The place of the battle is not precisely known. Memorials have been built in some of the possible locations.
Shakespearian dramatization
The Battle of Bosworth is an important part of William Shakespeare's play Richard III. The action of the play ends with this battle.
↑Richard III had 15,500 men, but Lord Stanley with 4,000 and his brother, Sir William Stanley with 2,500 betrayed him, and Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland with 3,000 did not join the king.