The ancestors of Basques are among the oldest residents of Europe, and their origins are unknown, as are the origins of the language. Many scholars have tried to link Basque to Etruscan, African languages, Caucasian languages and so on, but most see Basque as a language isolate.
A connection with the Iberian language has given some hope, but it is unclear whether similarities are caused by genetic relations or mere vicinity.
It was spoken long before the Romans brought Latin to the Iberian Peninsula.
Geographic distribution
Basque is spoken in an area that is smaller than what is known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria). Basque was once spoken over a larger area, but Latin took over in some places.
Official status
Historically, Latin or a Romance language has been official.
Today Basque holds co-official language status in the Basque regions of Spain: the full autonomous community of the Basque Country and some parts of Navarre. Basque has no official standing in the Northern Basque area of France, and French citizens are barred from using Basque in a French court of law.
There is now a unified version called Batua ("unified" in Basque), which is the language taught in schools. Batua is based largely on the Gipuzkoa regional dialect.
The vowel system is the same as most Spanish-speakers and has five pure vowels, /i e a o u/.
By contact with nearby peoples, Basque has borrowed words from Latin, Spanish, French, Gascon and others but accepted fewer than Indo-European languages. Some claim that many of its words come from Latin, but phonetic evolution has made many of them now appear as if they were native words, e.g. lore ("flower", from florem), errota ("mill", from rotam, "[mill] wheel"), gela ("room", from cellam).
Writing system
Basque is written with the Latin alphabet. The universal special letter is ñ, which is pronounced like the n in onion, and ç and ü are also used. Basque does not use c, q, v, w, y except for loanwords and are not considered part of the alphabet. Also, x is pronounced as a sh, as in shine.
Sample phrases
Bai = Yes
Ez = No
Kaixo!, = Hello
Agur!, Adio! = Goodbye!
Ikusi arte = See you!
Eskerrik asko! = Thank you!
Egun on = Good morning (literally: Good day)
Egun on, bai = Standard reply to Egun on
Arratsalde on = Good evening
Gabon = Good night
Mesedez = Please
Barkatu = Excuse (me)
Aizu! = Listen! (To get someone's attention, not very polite, to be used with friends)
Kafe hutsa nahi nuke = Can I have a coffee?
Kafe ebakia nahi nuke = Can I have a macchiato?
Kafesnea nahi nuke = Can I have a café latte?
Garagardoa nahi nuke = Can I have a beer?
Komunak = Toilets
Komuna, non dago? = Where are the toilets?
Non dago tren-geltokia? = Where is the train station?
Non dago autobus-geltokia? = Where is the bus station?
Ba al da hotelik hemen inguruan? = Where is the (nearest, only) hotel?
Zorionak = Happy holidays (During Christmas and new year's), congratulations
Ez dakit euskaraz= I do not speak Basque
Ba al dakizu ingelesez?= Do you speak English?
Nongoa zara? = Where are you from?
Non dago...? = Where is...?
Badakizu euskaraz? = Do you speak Basque?
Bai ote? = Really?
Topa! = Cheers!
Hementxe! = Over / right here!
Geldi!= Stop
Lasai= Take it easy
Ez dut nahi= I do not want
↑Gobierno Vasco (July 2012). "V. Inkesta Soziolinguistikoa". Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco. Retrieved 18 July 2012.