Annie Walker (also Beaumont) is a fictional character from the BritishITVsoap operaCoronation Street, played by Doris Speed from the series' first episode in 1960 until Speed retired from the role 23 years and 1,724 episodes later in 1983. Speed appeared as a guest of honour at the 30th birthday celebration of Coronation Street in 1990 which was hosted by Cilla Black.
The character of Annie has been noted as "snobbish"[1] and "snooty"[2] due to her condescending attitude and delusions of grandeur. Despite this, Annie proved to be one of the show's most popular characters and Speed received more fan mail than any other cast member at the time. For her service, Speed was later declared a "national treasure" by the media and received an MBE in 1977.[2]