An Extremely Goofy Movie (also known as Another Goofy Movie) is a 2000 American direct-to-video animated comedy movie. It was produced by Lynne Southerland and was directed by Ian Harrowell and Douglas McCarthy. It is a sequel to the 1995 movie A Goofy Movie. An Extremely Goofy Movie was released on February 29, 2000 in North America, the latest release was September 1, 2001 in Russia.
The movie holds a 57% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[1] The movie won the "Best Animated Home Video Production" category at the 28th Annie Awards in 2000. Bill Farmer was also nominated for "Best Voice Acting by a Male Performer".[2]
It was originally set to release in fall 1999, but like it's predecessor, it was pushed back to 2000.
The additional voices were provided by the following voice actors:
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