American Chopper is an American reality television series produced by Pilgrim Films & Television for the Discovery Channel. It starred Paul Teutul Sr., his sons Paul Teutul Jr. and Michael Teutul, Rick Petko, Jason Pohl, Vincent DiMartino, Cody Connelly, and Mike Ammirati. The show ran from March 31, 2003 until February 11, 2010.[2]
The show centers around Orange Country Choppers, a custom motorcycle company owned by Paul Teutul Sr. and follows how the business is run. There is often arguments and disagreements between Teutul Sr. and his his son Teutul Jr.[3] Much of the show took place at the Orange County Choppers headquarters in Newburgh, New York.[4]
A spin-off titled American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior was broadcast on TLC. It focused on a rivalry between Teutul Sr. and Teutul Jr., along with his own motorcycle business called Paul Jr. Designs. It ran from August 12, 2010 until December 17, 2012.[5] Another spin-off titled Orange County Choppers ran for one season from August 18, 2013 until January 11, 2014. It aired on the CMT.
The original show was revived on March 1, 2018.[6] It ran for two seasons and ended on April 2, 2019
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