Alpha and Omega is a 2010 3D American computer-animated comedy-drama movie. It was produced by Ken Katsumoto, Steve Moore and Richard Rich. It was directed by Anthony Bell and Ben Gluck. The movie was released on September 17, 2010. It was the last movie that Dennis Hopper acted in before he died on May 29, 2010. The movie is dedicated to Hopper. The movie was shot in 3D. A sequel, Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure was released on October 8, 2013. It received mixed reviews. A second sequel, Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games was released on March 25, 2014. Alpha and Omega: The Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave was released on September 23, 2014. Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation is currently in production.
Critical Response
Alpha and Omega received mixed reviews from critics. The Rotten Tomatoes website said "With bland visuals and a dull, predictable plot, Alpha and Omega is a runt in 2010's animated litter." In Metacritic, the movie had a score of 37 out of 100, based on 15 critics. Some critics liked the voice performances by Justin Long and Hayden Panettiere. Other critics said it had a weak storyline, poor animation, and a predictable plot. In Amazon, Alpha and Omega received mostly positive reviews, for its animation, voice acting, characters and sense of humor.
Box Office
Alpha and Omega didn't do well at the US box office. It grossed only $25 million. It did much better overseas, grossing $50 million on its $20 million budget. It was a commercial hit. This also made it the highest-grossing animated movie from Lionsgate.
1. |
"Pre Teen Wolves" |
1:54 |
2. |
"Main Titles" |
1:35 |
3. |
"Can-Do Was Jumped" |
2:51 |
4. |
"Humphrey's Crew" |
2:46 |
5. |
"Garth" |
2:12 |
6. |
"Wolfnapped" |
1:55 |
7. |
"Idaho or Bust" |
2:14 |
8. |
"The Golfing Goose" |
2:49 |
9. |
"Flying Fowl" |
2:45 |
10. |
"Searching for Kate" |
1:46 |
11. |
"Eat Food, Get Gas" |
2:07 |
12. |
"Tails It Is" |
2:00 |
13. |
"Garth and Lilly" |
2:35 |
14. |
"Bears!" |
3:24 |
15. |
"Love Train" |
2:07 |
16. |
"Time's Up" |
1:04 |
17. |
"I Had Fun" |
2:24 |
18. |
"Unite The Packs" |
2:43 |
19. |
"Alphas and Omegas" |
3:04 |
20. |
"Take the Valley" |
3:00 |
21. |
"Requiem for Kate" |
1:29 |
22. |
"Big Finish" |
1:28 |
Other websites