23 January 2015(2015-01-23) (aged 90) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Alanoud Al Fayez (1972–2003) Jawahir bint Ali Hussein Aida Fustuq (Divorced) Munira Al Otaishan Munira bint Abdullah Al Al Shaykh Tathi bint Mishan al Faisal al Jarba (7 or more other wives)
Prince Khaled Prince Mutaib Prince Mishaal Prince Abdulaziz Prince Turki Prince Badr Princess Nora Princess Aliya Princess Adila Princess Maryam Princess Sahab Princess Sahar Princess Maha Princess Hala Princess Jawahir Princess Anoud Prince Saud Prince Bandar
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Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, (Arabic: عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود‘Abd ullāh ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Āl Su‘ūd) (1 August 1924 – 23 January 2015)[1][2][3] was the King of Saudi Arabia from 1 August 2005 until his death in 23 January 2015. He became king upon the death of his half-brother, King Fahd. He was the tenth son of Ibn Saud.
Abdullah died from complications of pneumonia at the age of 90.[4] His half-brother Salman took his place as king.
↑"Kingdom Kings". Saudi Arabia: Ministry of Commerce and Industry - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Archived from the original on 22 October 2012. Retrieved 28 June 2012.