Alexander encounters for the first time war elephants.
Alexander becomes the master of the Persian Empire. This ends the Achaemenid dynasty. Babylon and Susa open their gates to him. In the capital, Susa, Alexander gets huge treasures amounting to 50,000 gold talents.
Agis III of Sparta leads some of the Greek cities in a revolt. He holds Crete against Macedonian forces. In the Peloponnesus he routes a force under the Macedonian general Coragus. Athens stays neutral, but he is joined by Elis, Achaea (except Pellene) and Arcadia, with the exception of Megalopolis.
Tarentum turn against Alexander of Epirus when they realize that he wants to make a kingdom of his own in southern Italy. Alexander is defeated and killed in the Battle of Pandosia on the banks of the Acheron.
Roman Republic
The Gallic tribe of the Senones and the Romans enter a period of friendly relations which lasts the rest of the century.