
Pajaseque (Pausaqui, Paxaseque) jedno od plemena Carrizos Indijanaca koje su Španjolci otkrili 1746./7. pokraj današnjeg Corpus Christija. Kasnije oni odlaze na misiju San Antonio de Valero među druga plemena toga dijela Teksasa, gdje će im se izgubiti trag. Bande Carrizos Indijanaca, ustanovljeno je, pripadaju porodici Comecrudan, prije klasificirane u Coahuiltecan govornike.


  • Herbert Eugene Bolton, Texas in the Middle Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1915; rpt., Austin: University of Texas Press, 1970).
  • Frederick Webb Hodge, ed., Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico (2 vols., Washington: GPO, 1907, 1910; rpt., New York: Pageant, 1959).
  • Gabriel Saldivar, Archivo de la historia de Tamaulipas, México (1946). J. R. Swanton, Linguistic Material from the Tribes of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1940).

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