Oviduktin (EC, oviduktalna proteaza) je enzim.[1][2][3] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
- Preferentno razlaganje u Gly-Ser-Arg373- poziciji glikoproteina gp43 u ljuski jaja žabe Xenopus laevis, čime se formira gp41
Ljuska jajeta južnoafričke žabe (Xenopus laevis) se modifikuje tokom tranzita jajeta kroz jajovode, čime se kora menja iz neoplodive forme u oplodivu. Deo tog procesa je konverzija glikoproteina gp43 u gp41 posredstvom ovog enzima.
- ↑ Hardy, D.M. and Hedrick, J.L. (1992). „Oviductin. Purification and properties of the oviductal protease that processes the molecular weight 43,000 glycoprotein of the Xenopus laevis egg envelope”. Biochemistry 31: 4466-4472. PMID 1581303.
- ↑ Lindsay, L.L., Wieduwilt, M.J. and Hedrick, J.L. (1999). „Oviductin, the Xenopus laevis oviductal protease that processes egg envelope glycoprotein gp43, increases sperm binding to envelopes, and is translated as part of an unusual mosaic protein composed of two protease and several CUB domains”. Biol. Reprod. 60: 989-995. PMID 10084976.
- ↑ Hiyoshi, M., Takamune, K., Mita, K., Kubo, H., Sugimoto, Y. and Katagiri, C. (2002). „Oviductin, the oviductal protease that mediates gamete interaction by affecting the vitelline coat in Bufo japonicus: its molecular cloning and analyses of expression and posttranslational activation”. Dev. Biol. 243: 176-184. PMID 11846486.
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