Cedd (cca. 620 – 26. oktobar 664) bio je anglosaksonski redovnik i biskup iz Northumbrije. Poznat je po evangelizaciji Srednjih Angla i Istočnih Saksonaca u Engleskoj te po tome što je kao prevodilac imao važnu ulogu u Sinodu u Whitbyju. Nedugo nakon njega je umro od kuge. Danas se slavi kao svetac među anglikancima, rimokatolicima i pravoslavcima.
Vanjske veze
- Bassett, Steven, Ed. The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Leicester University Press, 1989. ISBN 9780718513672. Studies on state formation that provide important political background to the conversion.
- Fletcher, Richard. The Conversion of Europe: From Paganism to Christianity 371-1386. . HarperCollins, 1997. ISBN 0002552035. Places the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons in the widest possible context, and places Cedd's family incidentally but tellingly within the author's overall interpretation.
- Mayr-Harting, Henry. The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England. 1991. Pennsylvania State University Press. ISBN 9780271007694. Cedd and Chad are strongly featured in this widely-recommended narrative account of the conversion, much revised since its first publication in 1972, and giving a clear picture of the political and cultural context.