Bitka kod Crvenih stijena
Segment ratova Tri kraljevstva
Natpisi (najmanje hiljadu godina stari) na mjestu koje se drži poprištem bitke, kraj suvremenog Chibi Cityja u provinciji Hubei.
zima 208/9
blizina rijeke Yangtze u Kini. Precizna lokacija predmet rasprave.
odlučna pobjeda Sun Quana i Liu Beija
Sukobljene strane
Sun Quan (Sun Chuan), Liu Bei (Liu Pei)
Komandanti i vođe
Zhou Yu (Chou Yü), Cheng Pu, Liu Bei
Cao Cao
800,000 (Cao Caove tvrdnje) to 220.000–240.000+ ( Zhou Yuove procjene)[1][2] )
Žrtve i gubici
nepoznati, iako značajni
Bitka kod Crvenih stijena, također poznata i kao Bitka kod Chibija, (pojednostavljeni kineski: 赤壁之战; tradicionalni kineski: 赤壁之戰; pinyin: Chì bì zhī zhàn) se odigrala na rijeci Yangtze zimi 208/09.[3] između snaga sjevernog kineskog gospodara rata Cao Caoa na jednoj, i saveza južnih gospodara rata Liu Beija i Sun Quana na drugoj strani. Predstavljala je po angažiranim snagama najveći i po posljedicama najvažniji okršaj u periodu kraja dinastije Han. Iako je Cao Cao raspolagao sa više nego uvjerljivom brojčanom nadmoći u ljudstvu, saveznici su mu, koristeći superiorne pomorske vještine, nanijeli težak poraz i tako trajno zaustavili njegove pokušaje da ponovno ujedini Kinu pod svojom vlašću, koja se nakon toga permanentno podijelila na Tri kraljevstva
Opisi same bitke se razlikuju u detaljima, a njena precizna lokacija je već vijekovima predmet rasprava među historičarima (de Crespigny 2004:256 78n), pri čemu se kao najozbiljniji kandidati spominju južna obala Yangtzea, jugozapadno od današnjeg Wuhana i sjeveroistočno od Baqiua (suvremeni grad Yueyang u provinciji Hunan). Najdetaljniji opis bitke sadrži biografija Zhou Yua iz 3. vijeka u Zapisima Tri kraljevstva (Sanguo Zhi). Bitka, značajno romantizirana i "začinjena" fikcijom, predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih dijelova radnje znamenitog romana Romansa Tri kraljevstva. Zapadnoj javnosti je, pak, poznata i po prikazu u kineskom filmskom spektaklu Crvena stijena koga je 2008. režirao John Woo.
- ↑ "「彼所將中國人不過十五六萬,且已久疲;所得表眾亦極七八萬耳,尚懷狐疑。」" Zhou Yu only included two groups of Cao Cao's forces in his estimation: According to the head of the Social Sciences Department of Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Di Yongjun (邸永君), the phrase "中國人" were referring to the troops from the capital and surrounding area. See The origin of the word "中國" and look at the line "指天子直接統治地區,即京畿。如諸葛亮曾對吳主孫權雲:“若能以吳越之眾與中國抗衡,不如早與之絕”。", which quotes Zhuge Liang's speech intended to persuade Sun to battle Cao. The other group was the newly surrendered Chu region navy.
- ↑ 「諸人徒見操書言水步八十萬而各恐懾,不復料其虛實」Most people's estimation was quite different to that of Zhou Yu, but the latter claimed the former "did not saw through Cao's exaggeration."
- ↑ "The engagement at the Red Cliffs took place in the winter of the thirteenth year of Jian'an, probably about the end of Western 208."(de Crespigny 2004:264)
- "11th century writer's statue erected in Hubei province". Xinhua News Agency, January 19, 1983. Retrieved on July 22, 2007.
- Chen, Shou (c. 280). Sanguo zhi (History of the Three Kingdoms). Reprint,1959. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
- Fitzgerald, C.P. (1985). Why China? Recollections of China 1923-1950. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
- de Crespigny, Rafe (1969). The Last of the Han: being the chronicle of the years 181-220 AD as recorded in chapters 58–68 of the Tzu-chih t'ung-chien of Ssu-ma Kuang. Canberra: Australian National University, Centre of Oriental Studies.
- de Crespigny, Rafe (2004). Generals of the South: The foundation and early history of the Three Kingdoms state of Wu. Canberra: Australian National University. Internet Edition.
- de Crespigny, Rafe (1996). To Establish Peace: being the Chronicle of the Later Han dynasty for the years 189 to 220 AD as recorded in Chapters 59 to 69 of the Zizhi Tongjian of Sima Guang. Canberra: Australian National University. Internet Edition 2004.
- de Crespigny, Rafe (2003). The Three Kingdoms and Western Jin A history of China in the Third Century AD Internet edition.
- de Crespigny, Rafe (2007). A biographical dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23–220 AD). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-15605-0
- Eikenberry, Karl W. (1994). The campaigns of Cao Cao. Military Review 74.8:56–64.
- The Military Documents Research Organization of the Wuhan Military District (1979). Zhongguo Gudai Zhanzheng Yibaili (One Hundred Battles of Ancient Chinese History). Wuhan: Hubei Province People's Publishing House.
- Zhang, Xiugui (2006). Ancient "Red Cliff" battlefield: a historical-geographic study. Frontiers of History in China 1.2:214–35.
29°52′11″N 113°37′13″E / 29.86972°N 113.62028°E / 29.86972; 113.62028