(Heparan sulfat)-glukozamin 3-sulfotransferaza 1
(heparan sulfat)-glukozamin 3-sulfotransferaza 1 (EC, heparin-glukozaminska 3-O-sulfotransferaza, 3'-fosfoadenilil-sulfat:heparin-glukozamin 3-O-sulfotransferaza, glukozaminilna 3-O-sulfotransferaza, heparan sulfat D-glukozaminilna 3-O-sulfotransferaza, izoform/izozim 1 (3-OST-1, HS3ST1)) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom 3'-fosfoadenilil-sulfat:(heparan sulfat)-glukozamin 3-sulfotransferaza.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
- 3'-fosfoadenilil sulfat + [heparan sulfat]-glukozamin adenozin 3',5'-bisfosfat + [heparan sulfat]-glukozamin 3-sulfat
Ovaj enzim je veoma selektivan za prekurzor antitrombin-vezujućeg mesta.
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- ↑ Liu, J., Shworak, N.W., Fritze, L.M.S., Edelberg, J.M. and Rosenberg, R.D. (1996). „Purification of heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase”. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 27072-27082. PMID 8900198.
- ↑ Shworak, N.W., Liu, J., Fritze, L.M.S., Schwartz, J.J., Zhang, L., Logeart, D. and Rosenberg, R.D. (1997). „Molecular cloning and expression of mouse and human cDNAs encoding heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase”. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 28008-28019. PMID 9346953.
- ↑ Zhang, L., Yoshida, K., Liu, J. and Rosenberg, R.D. (1999). „Anticoagulant heparan sulfate precursor structures in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells”. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 5681-5691. PMID 10026187.
- ↑ Zhang, L., Lawrence, R., Schwartz, J.J., Bai, X. (2001). „, Wei., G, Esko, J.D. and Rosenberg, R.D. The effect of precursor structures on the action of glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase-1 and the biosynthesis of anticoagulant heparan sulfate”. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 28806-28813. PMID 11375390.
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