Список работ Сальвадора Дали

Сальвадор Дали в 1939 году

За свою творческую жизнь Сальвадор Дали создал более 1500 художественных произведений[1], среди которых картины, иллюстрации для книг, литографии, графические работы, скульптуры. Кроме того, художник занимался оформлением декораций и костюмов для театральных постановок, дизайном ювелирных украшений, флаконов для духов. Ниже следует список работ Сальвадора Дали, расположенных в хронологическом порядке.


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Пейзаж близ Фигераса 1910 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Vilabertran[англ.] 1913
Праздник в Фигерасе (Фиеста в Фигерасе) 1914-16
Head of Athene 1914
Landscape Near Ampurdan 1914
Без названия 1914
Без названия 1914 House by a Lake
Dutch Interior 1915 Фонд Гала и Сальвадора Дали[кат.] [1]
Пейзаж 1916
Пейзаж 1916
Без названия 1916 Landscape with Animals
Witches and the F of Eve 1916-18
Cadaqués 1917-18
Crepuscular Old Man 1917-18
View of Cadaqués with Shadow of Mount Pani 1917
Bathers 1918-19
Лодка 1918
Couple Near the Fortress 1918
Утка 1918
Hort del Llane 1918-19
Playa Port Alguer De La Riba, D’en Pitxot 1918-19
Playa Port Alguer from Riba d’en Pitxot 1918-19
Port of Cadaqués (Night) 1918-19
Portdogué 1918-19
Portrait of Lucia (Retrato de Lucia) 1918
Punta es Baluard de la Riba d’en Pitxot 1918-19
Sea View 1918-19
Still Life 1918
Без названия 1918
Vilabertrin Church Tower 1918-19
Es Pianc 1919
Es Poal — Pianque 1919-20
Evening Ball at the Patio of Mariona 1919
Landscape (Cadaqués) 1919-20
Llané Beach, Cadaqués 1919
My Cousin Montserrat 1919-20
Old Man of Portdogué 1919-20
Orchard at Llané (Cadaqués) 1919-20
Port Dogué — Cadaqués 1919
The Port of Cadaqués 1919
Portrait of a Gipsy 1919
Portrait of Hortensia, Peasant Woman of Cadaqués 1919
Portrait of Joaquim Montaner (Allegory of a Sailor) 1919-20
Portrait of Mr. Pancraci 1919
Sailboat with Figure. Study for the Boat in «El Son» 1919
Self-Portrait in the Studio 1919
Still Life: Pomegranates 1919
The Tartan «El Son» 1919
The Three Pines 1919


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
The Artist’s Father at Llane Beach 1920
The Bay at Cadaqués, with Cucurucuc Rock and the Sorrell, Peninsula 1920
Boxer 1920
Calanque Jonculs (Cadaqués) 1920
Сад в Льянэ 1920-21
Grandmother Ana Sewing 1920
The Lake at Vilabertran 1920
Landscape (Cadaqués) 1920
Landscape Near Cadaqués 1920-21
Landscape Near Cadaqués 1920-21
Moonlight Over the Bay At, Cadaqués 1920
Mother 1920
Portrait of the Artist’s Mother, Dofia Felipa Dome Domenech De, Dalí 1920
Portrait of the Violoncellist Ricardo Pichot 1920
Portrait of Jose M. Torres 1920
Saltimbanques 1920-21
The Sardana of the Witches 1920
Satirical Portrait of Trotsky 1920
Small Rocky Bay of Nans (Cadaqués) 1920-21
Still Life 1920
Still Life by a Window 1920
Studies for a Self-Portrait and Portrait of My Father 1920
Study for «My Family» 1920
Study for Portrait of My Father 1920
Study for a Self-Portrait 1920
Tieta 1920
Two Gypsy Lads 1920-21
Two Studies for Portrait of My Father 1920
Без названия 1920-21 the Artist in His Studio in Riba D’en Pitxot in Cadaqués
The Vegetable Garden of Llaner 1920
View of Cadaqués from Playa Poal 1920
View of Portdogué (Port Aluger) 1920
Back View of Cadaqués 1921
Cover of «Per La Musica, Poems» 1921
Fair of the Holy Cross — The Circus 1921
Festival at San Sebastian 1921
Festival in Figueras 1921
Festival of St. Lucia At, Villamalla 1921
Landscape Near Cadaqués 1921
Llaner Beach in Cadaqués 1921
Man Holding Up a Baby as Though He Were Drinking from a Bottle 1921
Man with Porron 1921
Moonlight at Little Llané 1921
Motherhood 1921
Muse of Cadaqués 1921
Nymphs in a Romantic, Garden 1921
The Picnic 1921
Portrait of Grandmother Ana Sewing 1921
Portrait of Jaume Miravidles as a Footballer 1921-22
Portrait of My Father 1921
Portrait Ofjaume Miravidles 1921-22
Poster: Fieres i Festes de la Santa Creu 1921
Romeria — Pilgrimage 1921
Rural Scene 1921
A Seated Man and a Dancing Couple 1921
Автопортрет 1921
Автопортрет 1921
Автопортрет 1921
Self-portrait (Figueres) 1921
Self-portrait with the Neck of Raphael 1921
Still Life for the Cover of «Per La, Musica, Poems» 1921
Title Page of the Magazine 'Empordá Federal' and Title Design for «Biografia d’en Pep Ventura» 1921
Voyeur 1921
Young Girls in a Garden 1921
Brothels 1922
Cabaret Scene 1922
Cadaqués 1922
Cubist Composition (Shapes) 1922
Cubist Composition — Still Life with Guitar 1922
Drinker 1922
Female Figure with Head in Arms 1922
The First Days of Spring 1922-23
Fishermen at Cadaqués 1922
Fishing Folk at Cadaqués 1922
Horse 1922
Jug 1922-23
Landscape — Cadaqués 1922
The Lane to Port Lligat with the View of Cape Creus 1922-23
Madrid, Architecture and Poplars 1922
Portdogué and Mount Pani from Ayuntamiento 1922
Seated Woman 1922
Автопортрет 1922
Натюрморт 1922
Натюрморт 1922
Натюрморт 1922
Still Life (Pulpo y scorpa) 1922
Still Life — Fish 1922
Still Life with Aubergines 1922
Still Life with Glass 1922
Study of a Foot 1922
Summer Night 1922
Без названия 1922-23 Landscape Near Madrid
Без названия 1922 Scene in a Cabaret in Madrid
Villa Pepita 1922
All Shapes Derive from the Square 1923
Barracks (Cadaqués) 1923
Bathers of La Costa Brava — Bathers of Llaner 1923
Cadaqués 1923
Cadaqués (Seen from the Tower of Creus) 1923
Coffee House Scene in Madrid 1923
Crystalline Still Life 1923
Cubist Composition — Portrait of a Seated Person Holding a Letter 1923
Cubist Self-Portrait with «La Publicitat» 1923
Domestic Scene 1923
El Moli — Landscape Near Cadaqués 1923
Figueras Gypsy 1923
Figures in a Landscape at Ampurdan 1923
Fried Egg on the Plate without the Plate 1923
Grandfather Clock 1923
Group of Young Catalan Girls 1923
Harlequin Sitting at a Table 1923
The Jorneta Stream 1923
La Jorneta 1923
Landscape Near Cadaqués 1923
Luis Buñuel and a Toreo 1923-24
Maternity 1923
Nude in a Landscape 1923
Portrait of My Cousin Ana, Maria Domenech 1923
Portrait of My First Cousin 1923
Portrait of My Sister (original State) 1923-24
Reverse Side of «Study of a Nude» 1923
Satirical Composition («The Dance» by Matisse) 1923
Автопортрет 1923
Self-portrait with L’Humanitie 1923
The Sick Child (Self-portrait in Cadaqués) 1923
Натюрморт 1923
Натюрморт 1923
Still Life: Fish with Red Bowl 1923-24
Study for «Woman with a Child» 1923
Study of a Nude 1923
Venus and Memory of Avino 1923-24
Woman Nursing Her Son (Mujer amamantando a su hijo) 1923
Ana Maria 1924
Bather 1924
Bouquet (L’Important c’est la Rose) 1924
Head of a Man with a Child 1924-25
Pierrot and Guitar 1924
Plant 1924
Port Alguer 1924
Portrait of Ana Maria 1924
Портрет Луиса Буньюэля 1924 Центр искусств королевы Софии
Portrait of Manuel de Falla 1924-25
Portrait of a Woman 1924
Бутылка рома с сифоном 1924 Центр искусств королевы Софии
The Station at Figueras 1924
Натюрморт 1924
Натюрморт 1924
Натюрморт 1924
Still Life: Watermelon 1924
Triple Portrait of García Lorca 1924
Bay of Cadaqués 1925
Cala Nans 1925
Don Salvador and Ana Maria Dalí (Portrait of the Artist’s Father and Sister) 1925
Double-sided Verso (Studio Scene) 1925
Female Nude 1925
Figure at a Window 1925
Girl from the Back 1925
Girl Reclining on a Bed (Ana-Maria Dalí) 1925
Landscape Near Ampurdan 1925
Landscape Near Ampurdan 1925
Nude in the Water 1925
Pierrot Playing the Guitar 1925
Port Alguer 1925
Портрет моего отца 1925
Portrait of the Artist’s Father and Sister 1925
Portrait of Ana Maria (Cadaqués) 1925
Portrait of Maria Carbona 1925
Portrait of Maria Carbona 1925
Purist Drawing 1925
Seated Monk 1925
Self-portrait Dedicated to Frederico 1925
Натюрморт 1925
Still Life with Moonight 1925
Study for «Venus and Sailor» 1925
Study of Nude 1925
Thought 1925
Venus and a Sailor 1925
Venus and a Sailor 1925
Venus and a Sailor — (Homage to Salvat-Papasseit) 1925
Venus with Cupids 1925
Venus with Cupids (detail) 1925
Abstract Composition 1926
Ana Maria, Sewing 1926
Корзина с хлебом 1926 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Cubist Figure (Figura cubista) 1926
Female Nude 1926
Femme Couchée (Nu Alongé) 1926
Плоть на камнях (исп. Figura damunt les roques) 1926 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Figure on the Rocks (Penya Segats) 1926
The Girl — Study for «The Girl of Ampurdan» 1926
The Girl of Figueras 1926
Girl Sewing 1926
Girl with Curls 1926
Girl’s Back 1926
Homage to Erik Satie 1926
Neo-Cubist Academy (Composition with Three Figures) 1926
Portrait of Federico García Lorca 1926-27
Portrait of a Girl in a Landscape (Cadaqués) 1926
Portrait of Sefiora Abadal De’Argemi 1926
Portrait of a Woman, (unfinished) 1926
Rocks at Llane (Landscape near Cadaqués) 1926
Rocks of Llané (first version) 1926
Sailor and His Family 1926
Self-Portrait Being Duplicated into Three 1926-27
Still Life with Two Lemons 1926
Study for «Girl Sewing» 1926
Study for Girl Sewing 1926
Study for «Ana Maria». Cover of the Catalogue for Dalí's Second Exhibition at the Dalmau Gallery in Barcelona 1926
Study for «Blood Is Sweeter Than Honey» 1926
Study for «Girl Sewing» 1926
Study for «Girl Sewing» 1926
Venus and Sailor (Girl and Sailor; Unfinished) 1926
Woman in a Chemise, Lying, (Study for «Women Lying on the Beach») 1926
Women Lying on the Beach 1926
Механизм и рука 1927 Музей Сальвадора Дали
Automatic Drawing (Без названия) 1927
Barcelonese Mannequin 1927
Figure Edged in Flames 1927
Harlequin 1927
Head 1927 Draft of a Double Image
Head of a Woman 1927
Мед слаще крови (этюд) 1927
Nude Woman in an Armchair 1927
Ocell… Peix 1927-28
The Poet on the Beach of Ampurias — Federico Garcia Lorca 1927
Saint Sebastian 1927
Мелкие останки[вд] (Бесплодные усилия) 1927-28 Центр искусств королевы Софии
The Severed Hand 1927-28
Still Life by the Light of the Moon 1927
Study for «Still Life by the Light of the Moon» 1927
Без названия 1927
Abstract Composition 1928
Anthropomorphic Beach (first state) 1928
Anthropomorphic Beach (fragment) 1928
Bather 1928
The Bather (Beigneuse) 1928
Big Thumb 1928
Bird 1928
Composition 1928
The Donkey’s Carcass 1928
Female Nude 1928
Feminine Nude (first State) 1928
Fishermen in the Sun 1928
Fishermen in Cadaqués 1928
Moonlight 1928
The Ram (The Spectral Cow) 1928
Rotting Bird 1928
Self-Portrait Dedicated to Federico Garcia Lorca 1928
Shell 1928
Soft Nude (Nude Watch) 1928
The Spectral Cow 1928
Sun 1928
Сюрреалистическая композиция 1928 «Инаугуральная гусиная кожа», «Мясо праздничной курицы»
Symbiotic Woman-Animal 1928
Unsatisfied Desires 1928
Без названия 1928
Без названия 1928
Без названия 1928
Без названия (the Sea and the Fishermen) 1928
The Wounded Bird 1928
Accommodations of Desire 1929
Иногда я с наслаждением плюю на портрет моей матери[вд] 1929 Центр Помпиду
André Breton, the Great Anteater 1929-31
The Butterfly Chase 1929
Загадка желания[вд] 1929 Пинакотека современности «Мою мать, мою мать, мою мать…»
Первые дни весны 1929 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Великий мастурбатор 1929 Центр искусств королевы Софии
Illumined Pleasures 1929
Imperial Monument to the Child-Woman 1929
The Invisible Man 1929
The Invisible Man 1929
The Kiss — Study for the Couple Who Are Embracing in «The Great Masturbator» 1929
Мрачная игра 1929 частная
Man with Unhealthy Complexion Listening to the Sound of the Sea (The Two Balconies) 1929
Phantasmagoria 1929
Portrait of Paul Eluard 1929
Profanation of the Host 1929
Studies for «The Enigma of Desire» and «Memory of the Child-Woman» 1929
Study for «the Enigma of Desire — My Mother, My Mother, My Mother» 1929
Study for «The Great Masturbator» 1929
Study for «The Lugubrious Game» 1929
Study for «Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion» and for «Paranoiac Woman-Horse» 1929-39


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Andromeda 1930
The Average Bureaucrat 1930
The Bleeding Roses 1930
Chocolate 1930
Consequences: Dalí, Gala Eluard, Valentine Hugo, André Breton 1930
The Feeling of Becoming 1930
The Font 1930
The Ghost of the Evening 1930
Gradiva (Study for «The Invisible Man») 1930
The Great Masturbator — Frontispiece for «The Visible Woman» 1930
The Hand 1930
Head of Hair 1930
Invisible Sleeping Woman 1930
Invisible Sleeping Woman 1930
Oedipus Complex 1930
Paranoiac Woman-Horse 1930
Portrait of Mr. Emilio Terry (unfinished) 1930
Premature Ossification of a Railway Station 1930
Pyre. Poster Design for the th Anniversary of the French Communist Party 1930
The Red Tower (Anthropomorphic Tower) 1930
Study for «The Dream» 1930
Study for «Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion» 1930
Study for «Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion» 1930
Tactile Cinema 1930-31
Без названия — Feminine Nude — Frontispiece of «La Femme Visible» 1930
Vertigo 1930
William Tell 1930
Board of Demented Associations (Fireworks) 1931
Combinations (or The Combined Dalínian Phantasms: Ants, Keys, Nails) 1931
Diurnal Illusion: the Shadow of a Grand Piano Approaching 1931
The Dream 1931
Erotic Drawing 1931
Figure Clock 1931
Gradiva 1931
Gradiva Finds the Anthropomorphic Ruins 1931
Landscape 1931
Le Spectre et le Fantome 1931
Mme. Reese 1931
The Old Age of William Tell 1931
Olive 1931
On the Seashore 1931
Paranoiac Visage — Postcard Sent by Picasso to Dalí 1931
Partial Hallucination. Six apparitions of Lenin on a Grand Piano 1931
Постоянство памяти 1931 MoMA
Portrait of Gala 1931
Remorse or Sunken Sphinx 1931
Shades of Night Descending 1931
Solitude 1931
Symbiosis of a Head of Seashells 1931
Untided (William Tell and Gradiva) 1931
Без названия 1931
Без названия — Erotic Drawing 1931
Vegetable Metamorphosis 1931
Woman Sleeping in a Landscape 1931
They Were There 1931
Agnostic Symbol 1932
Anthropomorphic Bread 1932
Anthropomorphic Bread 1932
Automatic Beginning of a Portrait of Gala (unfinished) 1932
The Average Fine and Invisible Harp 1932
Babaouo — Publicity Announcement for the Publication of the Scenario of the Film 1932
The Birth of Liquid Desires 1932
The Birth of Liquid Fears 1932
Detail of «Meditation on The Harp» 1932-34
Утренние фантазии 1932 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
The Dream Approaches 1932-33
Eggs on the Plate Without the Plate 1932
Eggs on the Plate Without the Plate 1932
Figure Study for «William Tell» 1932
Frontispiece for «Le Revolver Ii, Cheveux Blancs» by André Breton 1932
Gradiva 1932
Незримый человек 1932 Центр искусств королевы Софии
The Knight at the Tower 1932
The Meeting of the Illusion and the Arrested Moment — Fried Eggs Presented in a Spoon 1932
Memory of the Child-Woman 1932
The Mysterious Sources of Harmony 1932-33
Nostalgia of the Cannibal 1932
Ordinary French Loaf with Two Fried Eggs Riding Without a Plate 1932
Paranoaic Metamorphosis of Gala’s Face 1932
Phosphene of Laporte 1932
Portrait of the Viscountess Marie-Laure de Noailles 1932
Portrait of Gala 1932-33
Preliminary Study for «Portrait of Vicomtesse Marie-Laure Cle Noailles» 1932
Studies for «Weaning of Furniture-Nutrition» 1932-33
Study for the Nurse in «The Weaning of Furniture-Nutrition» 1932-33
Study for «Large Painting» 1932
Study for «Meditation on The Harp» 1932-33
Study for «Memory of the Child-Woman» 1932
Suez 1932
Surrealist Architecture 1932
Surrealist Essay 1932
Surrealist Object Gauge of Instantaneous Memory 1932
The True Painting of «The Isle of the Dead» by Arnold Bocklin at the Hour of the Angelus 1932
Без названия 1932
Без названия (Erotic Drawing) 1932
Без названия — Cyclist with a Loaf of Bread on His Head 1932
Без названия — Female Figure with Catalonian Bread 1932
The Veiled Heart 1932
William Tell, Gradiva and The Average Bureaucrat 1932
Ambivalent Image 1933
Apparition of My Cousin Carolineta on the Beach at Rosas 1933
Архитектонический «Анжелюс» Милле[вд] 1933 Центр искусств королевы Софии
Average Atmospherocepalic Bureaucrat in the Act of Milking a Cranial Harp 1933
Bureaucrat and Sewing Machine — Illustration for «Les Chants de Maldoror» 1933
The Bust of a Retrospective Woman 1933
Cannibalism of Objects (inscribed: Meat Glass, Meat Aeroplane, Meat Spoon, Meat Watch, Meat Head) 1933
Cannibalism. Illustrations for «Les Chants De Maldoror» by Lautreamont 1933
The Enigma of William Tell 1933
Flesh Aeroplane. Illustration for «Les Chants De Maldoror» by Lautreamont 1933
Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conical Anamorphoses 1933
Geological Destiny 1933
Gradiva 1933
Illustration for Les Chants de Maldoror by the Count of Lautreamont 1933-34
The Judges 1933
Knight of Death (variant) 1933
Myself at the Age of Ten When I Was the Grasshopper Child 1933
Necrophilic Fountain Flowing from a Grand Piano 1933
The Phantom Cart 1933
The Phantom Cart 1933
The Phenomenon of Ecstasy 1933
Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder 1933
Reverie — Password: Mess Up, All the Slate 1933
Soft Watches 1933
Study for «The Enigma of William Tell» 1933
Study for «Portrait of the Vicomtesse de Noailles» 1933
Sugar Sphinx 1933
Sugar Sphinx (detail) 1933
Surrealist Figure in the Landscape of Port Lligat 1933
Surrealist Figures, Joint Drawing by Dalí and Picasso 1933
Surrealist Horse — Woman-Horse 1933
The Temple of Love 1933
The Triangular Hour 1933
Two Faces of Gala 1933-34
Без названия 1933-34
Без названия 1933 Study for Parts of «Invisible Harp, Fine and Medium» and Parts of «Skull with Its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Bedside, Table…»
Без названия 1933 Death Outside the Head/Paul Eluard
Aerodynamic Chair 1934
Allegory of an American Christmas 1934
Apparition of My Cousin Carolinetta on the Beach at Rosas 1934
Atavism at Twilight 1934
Atavistic Vestiges After the Rain 1934
Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Grand Piano 1934
Bust of Joella Lloyd 1934
Cannibalism of the Praying Mantis of Lautreamont 1934
Cardinal 1934
Conic Anamorphosis 1934
Consequences 1934
Consequences: Gala Eluard, Dalí, André Breton, Valentine Hugo 1934
Consequences: Gala Eluard, Valentine Hugo, André Breton, Dalí 1934
Consequences: Valentine Hugo, André Breton, Gala Eluard, Dalí 1934
Consequences: Valentine Hugo, Dalí, André Breton, Gala Eluard 1934
Eclipse and Vegetable Osmosis 1934
Enigmatic Elements in the Landscape 1934
Figure — Omelettes 1934
Figure and Drapery in a Landscape 1934
Figure with Drawers for a Four-part Screen 1934
Fossil Cloud 1934
Призрак Вермера Делфтского, способный послужить и столом 1934 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
The Ghost of Vermeer van Delft 1934
Ghost of Vermeer Van Delft 1934
Hairdresser Depressed by the Persistent Good Weather 1934
Homage to Millet — for CeciIe, in Friendship 1934
The Hour of the Crackled Visage 1934
Hysterical and Aerodynamic, Nude — Woman on the Rock 1934
The Invisible Harp 1934
The Isle of the Dead — Centre, Section — Reconstructed, Compulsive Image, After Becklin 1934
The Javanese Mannequin 1934
The Knight of Death 1934
The Knight of Death (Horseman) 1934
The Little Theater 1934
Masochistic Instrument 1934
Meditation on the Harp 1934
Melancholy — to Marcel Remy in Friendship, Salvador Dalí 1934
Moment of Transition 1934
Morning Ossification of the Cypress 1934
Night Spectre on the Beach 1934
Omelette About to Be Irreparably Crushed by Hands 1934
Omelettes with Dynamic, Mixed Herbs 1934
Paranoiac Astral Image 1934
Persistence of Fair Weather 1934
Portrait of Gala with a Lobster (Portrait of Gala with Aeroplane Nose) 1934
Portrait of Rene Crevel (Dedicated to Julien Green) 1934
Portrait of Rene Crevel (Man with a Cigarette) 1934
Portrait of a Woman 1934
The Sense of Speed 1934
The Ship 1934-35
The Signal of Anguish 1934
Skull with Its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Night Table which Should Have the Exact Temperature of a Cardinal’s Nest 1934
The Specter of Sex Appeal 1934
The Spectre of the Angelus 1934
Study for «Cardinal, Cardinal!» 1934
Surrealist Furniture. Preparatory Drawing for Singularities 1934-35
Surrealist Knight for a Four-part Screen 1934
Surrealist Knights for a Four-part Screen, Centre Right 1934
Surrealist Poster 1934
Surrealist Warriors for a Four-part Screen, Centre Left 1934
Title Unknown — Ghost 1934
The Tower 1934
Без названия (Desert Landscape) 1934
Без названия (Dreams on the Beach) 1934
Без названия — Young Girl with a Skull 1934
The Weaning of Furniture-Nutrition 1934
West Side of the Isle of the Dead — Reconstructed Compulsive Image After Becklin 1934
The Angelus of Gala 1935
Археологический отголосок «Анжелюса» Милле 1935 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Don Quixote 1935
Drawing for «American Weekly» 1935
The Echo of the Vold 1935
Exquisite Cadaver 1935
Лицо Мэй Уэст, использованное в качестве сюрреалистической комнаты 1935 Чикагский институт искусств
The Horseman of Death 1935
Landscape After De Chirico (unfinished) 1935
Mediumnistic-Paranoiac Image 1935
The Nostalgic Echo 1935
Nostalgic Echo 1935
Paranoiac Visage 1935
Paranoiac Visage — The Postcard Transformed 1935
Paranoiac-Critical Solitude 1935
Paranonia 1935-36
Poster Project 1935
Puzzle of Autumn 1935
Soft Cramas and Skull Harp 1935
Solitude — Anthropomorphic Echo 1935
Study for «Premonition of Civil War» 1935
Study for «Premonition of Civil War» 1935
Study for «Premonition of Civil War» 1935
Study for «Suburbs of a Paranoiac-Critical Town» 1935
The Surrealist Mystery of New York I 1935
Thought Machine — Illustration for «The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí» 1935
Woman in a Hat Sitting on a Beach. Drawing for «American Weekly» 1935
Woman with a Head of Roses 1935
Ampurdanese Yang and Yin 1936
Ant Face. Drawing for the Catalogue Jacket of Dalí's Exhibition at the Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery in London 1936
The Anthropomorphic Cabinet 1936
The Ants 1936-37
Aphrodisiac Dinner Jacket 1936
Aphrodisiac Dinner Jacket 1936
Apparition of the Town of Delft 1936
Осенний каннибализм 1936 Британская галерея Тейт
Beach Scene (detail study) 1936
Blactric Collars 1936
Bread on the Head of the Prodigal Son 1936
Bust with Drawers 1936
A Chemist Lifting with Extreme Precaution the Cuticle of a Grand Piano 1936
The City of Drawers 1936
The City of Drawers — Study for the «Anthropomorphic Cabinet» 1936
The City of Drawers — Study for the «Anthropomorphic Cabinet» 1936
A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds 1936
A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds 1936
Cover of «Minotaure» Magazine 1936
Decalcomania 1936
The Dream places a Hand on a Man’s Shoulder 1936
The Forgotten Horizon 1936
The Fossilized Automobile of Cape Creus 1936
Freudian Portrait of a Bureaucrat 1936
Gala’s Head — Rear View 1936
Geodesic Portrait of Gala 1936
Geological Justice 1936
The Great Paranoiac 1936
Hands Chair 1936
Head of a Woman in the Form of a Battle 1936
Hypnagogic Monument 1936
Landscape with Girl Skipping Rope 1936
Телефон-омар (Телефон-лобстер, Телефон-лангуст) 1936 4 + 6 музеев скульптура, существуют одноцветная и цветная версии
Mae West’s Lips Sofa 1936-37
The Man with the Head of Blue Hortensias 1936
Man with His Head Full of Clouds 1936
Messenger in a Palladinian Landscape 1936
Морфологическое эхо 1936
Морфологическое эхо 1936
Necrophiliac Springtime 1936
Night and Day Clothes 1936
Our Love 1936
The Pharmacist of Ampurdan in Search of Absolutely Nothing 1936
Singularities (Singularitats) 1936
Мягкая конструкция с варёными бобами (Предчувствие гражданской войны) 1936 Художественный музей Филадельфии
South (Noon) 1936
Study for the Cover of «Minotaure», No. 81936
Study for «A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds» (detail) 1936
Study for «Geodesic Portrait of Gala» 1936
Study for «Spain» 1936
Study of Horsemen 1936
Suburbs of a Paranoiac-Critical Town: Afternoon on the Outskirts of European History 1936
Солнечный столик[вд] 1936 Музей Бойманса — ван Бёнингена
Surrealist Composition with Invisible Figures (second version of «Rocks of Llané») 1936
Three Young Surrealistic Women Holding in Their Arms the Skins of an Orchestra 1936
Венера Милосская с ящиками 1936 Чикагский институт искусств
Венера Милосская с ящиками 1936
The Vertebrate Grotto — Transfer Series 1936
White Calm 1936
Woman with Drawers 1936
Anatomical Studies — Transfer Series 1937
Average Pagan Landscape 1937
Burning Giraffe 1937
Жираф в огне 1937 Базельский художественный музей
Cannibalism of the Objects 1937
Creation of the Monsters 1937
Dinner in the Desert 1937
Dinner in the Desert Lighted by Giraffes on Fire 1937
Drawers Cannibalism 1937 Composition with Drawers
Enchanted Beach (Long, Siphon) 1937
Herodias 1937
How Skyscrapers Will Look in 1987 (Drawing for «American Weekly») 1937
The Hysterical Arch 1937
Imaginary Portrait of Lautréamont at the Age of Nineteen 1937
The Invention of the Monsters 1937
Knights of Death 1937
Метаморфозы Нарцисса 1937 Тейт Модерн
Palladio’s Thalia Corridor 1937
Perspectives 1937
Portrait of Freud 1937
Queen Salome 1937
Сон (англ. Sleep) 1937 частная
Study for «The False Inspection» (False Perspective) 1937
Study for «The Metamorphosis of Narcissus» 1937
Surrealist Dinner on a Bed (Drawing for a Film Project with the Marx Brothers) 1937
Surrealist Gondola Above Burning Bicycles (Drawing for a Film Project with the Marx Brothers) 1937
Лебеди, отражающиеся в слонах 1937 частная
Без названия 1937 Hysterical Scene
Без названия 1937 Lamp with Drawers (Drawing for an interior)
Без названия 1937 Standard Lamp With Crutches (Drawing for an interior)
Без названия 1937 Woman with a Flower Head
Visions of Eternity 1937
The Woman in Flames 1937
Apparition of the Figure of Vermeer on the Face of Abraham Lincoln. Study for «The Image Disappears» 1938
Явление лица и вазы с фруктами на берегу моря 1938 Уодсворт Атенеум
Beach at Cape Creus with Seated Woman Seen from the Back Mending a Sail and Boat 1938
Beach with Telephone 1938
Coccyx Women 1938
Composition — Two Women with a Town in the Background 1938
Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone 1938
Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces 1938
The Endless Enigma 1938
Face of the Great Cyclopean Cretin 1938
Fantastic Beach Scene with Skeleton and Parrot 1938
Gradiva 1938
Greyhound 1938
The Image Disappears 1938
Imaginary Figures with a Background of Spanish Monuments (Study for the Costumes for Coco Chanel) 1938
Imperial Violets 1938
Impressions of Africa 1938
Invisible Afghan with the Apparition on the Beach of the Face of Garcia Lorca in the Form of a Fruit Dish with Three Figs 1938
Mandolin, Fruit Dish With Pears, Two Figs on a Table 1938
Mythological Beast 1938
Palladio’s Corridor of Dramatic Surprise 1938
Philosopher Reclining 1938
Portrait of Sigmund Freud 1938
Portrait of Sigmund Freud — Morphology of the Skull of Sigmund Freud. Illustration for «The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí» 1938
Spain 1938
Study for the Self-portrait in «Impressions of Africa» 1938
Study for the Self-portrait in «Impressions of Africa» 1938
Study for The Image Disappears 1938
Высокое мгновение 1938 Государственная галерея искусств Штутгарта[англ.]
The Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image 1938
Без названия 1938
Без названия — Figure (unfinished) 1938-39
The Warning 1938
Actress Betty Stockfeld Is Metamorphosed into a Nurse 1939
Apparition of a War Scene on the Face of Lieutenant Deschanel. Cover of «Match» 1939
Baby Map of the World 1939
Вакханалия 1939
Ballerina in a Death’s Head 1939
Эскизы к картине «Вакханалия» 1939
The Dream of Venus 1939
The Enigma of Hitler 1939
Freud’s Perverse Polymorph (Bulgarian Child Eating a Rat) 1939
Gradiva Becoming Fruits, Vegetables, Pork, Bread, and Grilled Sardine 1939
Gradiva, She Who Advances 1939
Group of Figures 1939
Landscape with Telephones on a Plate 1939
Mad Tristan 1939
Masked Mermaid in Black 1939
Metamorphosis of the Five Allegories of Giovanni Bellini 1939
Metamorphosis of a Man’s Bust into a Scene Inspired by Vermeer 1939
Metamorphosis of a Man’s Bust into a Scene Inspired by Vermeer 1939
Philosopher Illuminated by the Light of the Moon and the Setting Sun 1939
Portrait of Gala (unfinished; detail) 1939
Portrait of Sigmund Freud from «The Secret Life» 1939
Psychoanalysis and Morphology Meet 1939
Сценография балета «Вакханалия» 1939
Ширли Темпл — самый молодой и самый священный монстр кино своего времени[англ.] 1939 Музей Бойманса — ван Бёнингена См. Ширли Темпл
Sirens and Graces — Set Design for Dalí's «Bacchanale» 1939
The Sphere Attacks the Pyramid. Cover of the Catalogue of the Exhibition at Julien Levy’s in New York. 1939
Study for Apparition of a Vermeer Figure on Abraham Lincoln’s Face 1939
Study for Portrait of Gala 1939
Study for a Ballet Backdrop 1939
Telephone in a Dish With Three Grilled Sardines at the End of September 1939


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Allegory of Sunset Air (Allegory of the Everning) 1940-41
Arches with Fruit Bowl. Study for Slave Market with the Appearance of the Invisible Bust of Voltaire 1940
Centaur (The Triumph of Nautilus) 1940
Daddy Longlegs of the Evening… Hope! 1940
Etudes d’Anges 1940
Family of Marsupial Centaurs 1940
Figures on the Stairs 1940
The Golden Age — Family of Marsupial Centaurs 1940-41
Group of Women Imitating the Gestures of a Schooner 1940
Lady Louis Mountbatten 1940
March of Time Comittee — Papillon 1940
Old Age, Adolescence, Infancy (The Three Ages) 1940
Perforated House with Fruit Bowl. Study for Slave Market with the Appearance of the Invisible Bust of Voltaire 1940
Невольничий рынок с явлением незримого бюста Вольтера 1940 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Two Pieces of Bread, Expressing the Sentiment of Love 1940
Без названия (Three Figures and a Cypress) 1940
Лицо войны 1940 Музей Бойманса — ван Бёнингена
Cafe Scene. The Figures at the Table Make a Skull — Drawing for the Nightmare in «Moontide» 1941
Car Clothing (Clothed Automobile) 1941
Costume for a Nude with a Codfish Tail 1941
Сценография балета «Лабиринт» 1941
Design for «Labyrinth» 1941
Drawing for the Glass Hallucination in Hitchcock’s Film «Moontide (the House of Dr. Edwards)» 1941
The Eye of Time 1941
The Face of War — Drawing for the Nightmare Scene in the Film «Moontide» 1941
Мёд слаще крови 1941 Santa Barbara Museum of Art[англ.]
Отрочество[нидерл.] (Adolescense) 1941 Музей реализма Шеринги[нидерл.] Была украдена в 2009 году. Возвращена музею в 2016-м.
Invisible Bust of Voltaire 1941
Jewel 1941
Maquette of the scenery for «Labyrinth» 1941
Mysterious Mouth Appearing in the Back of My Nurse 1941
Original Sin 1941
Portrait of Gala 1941
Portrait of Gala. Study for «Galarina» 1941
Portrait of Mrs. George Tait, II 1941
Ruin with Head of Medusa and Landscape 1941
Set of «Tristan and Isolde» 1941
Soft Self-portrait with Fried Bacon 1941
Study for Slave Market with the Appearance of the Invisible Bust of Voltaire 1941
Study for «Original Sin» 1941
Study for «Portrait of Mrs. Georges Tait, II» 1941
Temple — Sketch for a Set Design 1941
The Triumph of Nautilus 1941
Birth of a New World 1942
Composition (Two Harlequins) 1942
Decor for «Romeo et Juliet» 1942
Design for the Interior Decoration of a Stable-Library 1942
Design for the set of «Romeo and Juliet» 1942
Design for the set of «Romeo and Juliet» (backdrops and wing flats) 1942
Design for a poster for «The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí» 1942
Divine Couple — Sketch for «Nativity of a New World» 1942
Equestrian Parade (possibly Set Design for «Romeo and Juliet») 1942
The Flames, They Call 1942
Juliet’s Tomb 1942
Maternite Aux Oiseaux 1942
Melancholy 1942
Mural Painting for Helena Rubinstein 1942 панно
Mural Painting for Helena Rubinstein 1942 панно
Mural Painting for Helena Rubinstein 1942 панно
Nude on the Plain of Rosas 1942
Portrait of the Marquis De Cuevas 1942
Portrait of Mrs. Luther Greene 1942
Portrait of Mrs. Ortiz-Linares 1942
Romeo and Juliet Memorial 1942
Saint George and the Dragon 1942
The Sheep 1942
Study for the campaign against venereal disease: «Soldier Take Warning» 1942
Study for the portrait «Princess Arthchild Gourielli-Helena Rubinstein» 1942-43
Study for the Set of «Labyrinth» — Fighting the Minotaur 1942
Study for the set of «Romeo and Juliet» 1942
The Two on the Cross 1942
Без названия — Design for the Mural Painting for Helena Rubinstein 1942
Без названия — for the campaign against venereal disease 1942
Без названия — Set Design (Figures Cut in Three) 1942
William Tell Group 1942-43
The Broken Egg 1943
Condottiere (Self-Portrait as Condottiere) 1943
Геополитический ребёнок, наблюдающий за рождением нового человека 1943
Le Mendicant 1943
Madonna 1943
Madonna of the Birds 1943
The Madonna of the Birds with Two Angels 1943
Painting for the backdrop of «Cafe De Chinitas» 1943
The Poetry of America (unfinished) 1943
Portrait of Ambassador Cardenas 1943
Portrait of Mrs. Harrison Williams 1943
Princess Arthchil Gourielli (Helena Rubinstein) 1943
Saint Sebastian 1943
The Ship 1943
Stage Curtain for the Ballet «Cafe De Chinitas» 1943
Study for «Galarina» 1943
The Triumph of Tourbillon 1943
Без названия — New Accessoires 1943
The Apotheosis of Homer 1944-45
Dance — the Seven Arts 1944
Drawing for the dust jacket of «Hidden Faces» 1944
Frontispiece for «Hidden Faces» — I Am the Lady… 1944
Gala Naked. Study for «Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee…» 1944
Галарина 1944-45 Театр-музей Дали
Giant Flying Demi-Tasse with Incomprehensible Appendage Five Meters Long 1944-45
Leg Composition. Drawing from a series of advertisements for Bryans Hosiery 1944
Mad Tristan 1944
Monumental Shield for «Hidden Faces» 1944
Music — The Red Orchestra — The Seven Arts 1944
Сон, вызванный полётом пчелы вокруг граната за секунду до пробуждения 1944 Музей Тиссена-Борнемисы
Paranoia 1944 Surrealist Figures
Sentimental Colloquy 1944 Study for a Ballet
Study for the Backdrop of «Mad Tristan» (Act II) 1944
Study for the set of the ballet «Tristan Insane» (Act) 1944
Study for «The Apotheosis of Homer» 1944
Tristan and Isolde 1944
«Tristan and Isolde» — study for the set of the ballet «Bacchanale» 1944
«Tristan Insane»: Costumes for the Spirits of Death 1944
Без названия 1944 the Seven Arts
Без названия 1944 the Seven Arts
Без названия 1944 the Seven Arts
Без названия 1944 Design for the ball in the dream sequence in «Spellbound»
Women Metamorphosed 1944 the Seven Arts
Autumn Sonata 1945
Корзинка с хлебом 1945 Театр-музей Дали
The Broken Bridge and the Dream 1945
Design for the Film «Spellbound» 1945
Design for the Film «Spellbound» 1945
Design for the set of the film «Spellbound» 1945
Don Quixote and the Windmills 1945
Drawing for «Spellbound» 1945
The Eye 1945
Fountain of Milk Spreading Itself Uselessly on Three Shoes 1945
Four Illustrations: Female Figures with Candle 1945
Illustration for «The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini» 1945 См. Жизнь Бенвенуто Челлини
Illustration for «The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini» 1945
Illustration for «The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini» 1945
Melancholy 1945
My Wife, Naked, Looking at her own Body 1945
Napoleon’s Nose 1945
Portrait of Mrs. Isabel Styler-Tas 1945
Poster for a Ballet 1945
Resurrection of the Flesh 1945
Shop Window with Sewing Machine and Umbrella 1945
Spellbound 1945
Study for the dream sequence in «Spellbound» 1945
Study for «Portrait of Mrs. Isabel Styler-Tas» 1945
Three Apparitions of the Visage of Gala 1945
Без названия — Portrait of a Woman 1945
Без названия — Scene with Marine Allegory 1945
Victory — Woman Metamorphosing into a Boat with Angels 1945
Benvenuto Cellini and Jupiter 1946
Christmas (Noel) 1946
Composition — Portrait of Mrs. Eva Kolsman 1946
Desert Trilogy — Apparition of a Couple in the Desert — for «Desert Flower» perfume 1946
Desert Trilogy — Apparition of a Woman and Suspended Architecture in the Desert — for «Desert Flower» perfume 1946
Desert Trilogy — Flower in the Desert 1946
Double Image for «Destino» 1946
Drawing for Disney’s «Destino» 1946-47
Madonna 1946
Metamorphose 1946
Nude in the Desert Landscape 1946
One of illustrations for Shakespeare’s «Macbeth» 1946
The Stain 1946
Study for the «Desert» Perfume Advertisement 1946
Искушение святого Антония 1946 Королевские музеи изящных искусств
Без названия 1946 Spanish Dances in a Landscape
The Annunciation 1947
Battle Over a Dandelion 1947
Cathedral of Thumbs (The Thumbs) 1947
Dematerialization Near the Nose of Nero 1947
Design for «Destino» 1947
Design for «Destino» 1947
Drawing for « Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship» 1947
Feather Equilibrium (Interatomic Balance of a Swan’s Feather) 1947
Hollywood 1947
Hollywood. Cover illustration for «Sunset» magazine 1947
The Impossible Model (drawing for « Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship») 1947
Jour de la Vierge 1947
Портрет Пабло Пикассо в XXI веке 1947 Театр-музей Дали
Rock and Infuriated Horse Sleeping Under the Sea 1947
Studies for the air centers and soft morphologies of «Leda Atomica» 1947
Study for Dematerialization of the Nose of Nero 1947
Study for Leda Atomica 1947
Study for «Leda Atomica» 1947
The Three Sphinxes of Bikini 1947
Без названия 1947 Temple Frontage with Atomic Explosions
Wheat Ear 1947
Drawing for the programme for the ballet «As You Like It» after Shakespeare’s comedy 1948
Слоны (англ. The Elephants) 1948 частная
Leda Atomica 1948 первая неокоченная версия
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Sigall 1948
Portrait of Nada Pachevich 1948
Study for a Portrait 1948 неокончено
Без названия 1948 Landscape
Без названия 1948 Male Nude in a Landscape
Без названия 1948 Illustration for « Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship»
Four Armchairs in the Sky 1949
Future Martyr of Supersonic Waves 1949-50
«La Turbie» — Sir James Dunn Seated 1949
Lago di Garda 1949
Атомная Леда 1949 Театр-музей Дали
Мадонна Порт-Льигата (первая версия) 1949 Университет Маркетта[англ.]
May 1949
Naples 1949
Rome 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Set design for the ballet «Los Sacos Del Molinero» 1949
Study for «The Madonna of Port Lligat» 1949


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Angel (Study) 1950
Ascent into the Sky 1950
Backdrop for «Don Juan Tenorio» 1950
Carnation and Cloth of Gold 1950
Christ in Perspective 1950
Cork (study for «The Madonna of Port Lligat») 1950
The Creation of Eve — Gaining Twofold Living Nature from the Sleep of Man 1950
Dalí at the Age of Six 1950
Dalí's Moustache 1950
Design for the death scene in «Don Juan Tenorio» 1950
Erotic Beach 1950
The Judgement of Paris 1950
Kneeling Figure (Microphysical Phosphenes) 1950-51
Landscape of Port Lligat 1950
Landscape of Port Lligat with Homely Angels and Fisherman 1950
The Madonna of Port Lligat (detail) 1950
The Madonna of Port Lligat (second version) 1950
Metamorphosis and Dynamic Disintegration of a Cuttlefish Bone Becoming Gala (study for «The Madonna of Port Lligat») 1950
Mystical Carnation 1950-51
Rhinoceros Disintegrating 1950
The Soft Watch 1950
Study after «Madonna and Child» by Piero Della Francesca for «The Madonna of Port Lligat» 1950
Study for the child in «The Madonna of Port Lligat» 1950
Study for the drapery in «The Madonna of Port Lligat» 1950
Study for a Backdrop 1950
Study for head of «Madonna of Port Lligat» 1950
Study for «Myself at the Age of Six…» 1950
Celestial Coronation 1951
Cerberrus. Illustration for Dante’s «Divine Comedy» 1951
Христос Святого Иоанна Креста 1951 Художественная галерея и музей Келвингроув
Cosmic Contemplation 1951
Dante 1951
Exploding Flower 1951
Explosive Madonna 1951
The Fallen Angel. Illustration for Dante’s «Divine Comedy» 1951
The Followers of Simon. Illustration for Dante’s «Divine Comedy» 1951
Human Skull Consisting of Seven Naked Women’s Bodies 1951
Illustration for Dante’s «Divine Comedy» 1951
Landscape with Cavalier and Gala 1951
A Logician Devil — Lucifer. Illustration for Dante’s «Divine Comedy» 1951
Portrait of a Child (unfinished) 1951
Portrait of Colonel Jack Warner 1951
Portrait of Katharina Cornell 1951
Portrait of Mrs. Jack Warner 1951
The Queen of the Butterflies 1951
Raphaelesque Head Exploding 1951
Raphaelesque Head Exploding 1951
Study for «Christ of St. John of the Cross» 1951
Без названия 1951 Ants and Wheat Ear
The Wheelbarrows 1951
The Angel of Port Lligat 1952
The Angel of Port Lligat 1952
Arithmosophic Cross 1952
Asummpta Corpuscularia Lapislazulina 1952
Дезинтеграция постоянства памяти 1952-54 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Equestrian Molecular Figure 1952
Eucharistic Still Life 1952
Exploding Head 1952
Foreshortening of Gala 1952
Gala Placida 1952
Галатея со сферами 1952 Театр-музей Дали
Head of a Gray Angel 1952-54
Madonna in Particles 1952
Madonna in Particles 1952
Nuclear Cross 1952
Nuclear Head of an Angel 1952
Opposition 1952
Raphaelesque Dynamics 1952
Study for the Head of the Virgin 1952
The Tree 1952
Costume designs for «Le Ballet Des Vendangeurs» (The Grape Pickers' Ballet) 1953
Costume designs for «Le Ballet Des Vendangeurs» (The Grape Pickers' Ballet) 1953
Costume designs for «Le Ballet Des Vendangeurs» (The Grape Pickers' Ballet) 1953
Dalí's design for a fashion contest under the Theme «The Woman of the Future» 1953
The Grape Pickers: Bacchus’s Chariot 1953
The Royal Heart 1953
Tortoise for «Le Ballet Des Vendangeurs» 1953
The Angel Cross 1954
Anthropomorphic Figure 1954
Колосс Родосский 1954 Бернский художественный музей
Crucifixion 1954
Распятие или Гиперкубическое тело 1954 Метрополитен-музей
Обнажённый Дали…[вд] 1954 частная «Обнажённый Дали, созерцающий пять упорядоченных тел, превращающихся в корпускулы, из которых неожиданно сотворяется Леда Леонардо, оплодотворённая лицом Гала»
Equestrian Fantasy — Portrait of Lady Dunn 1954
Gala Contemplating the Corpus Hypercubicus 1954
Galatée 1954
Head Bombarded with Grains of Wheat (Particle Head Over the Village of Cadaqués) 1954
Le Papillon au Rocher 1954
The Lighthouse at Alexandria 1954
The Lighthouse at Alexandria 1954
Madonna and Particle Child (Nuclear Drawing) 1954
The Maximum Speed of Raphael’s Madonna 1954
Microphysical Madonna 1954
Noon (Barracks of Port Lligat) 1954
Portrait of Gala with Rhinocerotic Symptoms 1954
Portrait of Mrs. Ann Woodward 1954
Portrait of Mrs. Reeves 1954
The Pyramids and the Sphynx of Gizeh 1954
Rhinocerotic Disintegration of Illissus of Phidias 1954
Roman Cavalier in Spain 1954
Seven Flies and a Model 1954
Sketch for «Soft Watch, Exploding into Pieces after Twenty Years of Complete Motionlessness» 1954
Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion 1954
Statue of Olympic Zeus 1954
Symphony in Red 1954
Two Adolescents 1954
The Walls of Babylon 1954
Содомское самоудовлетворение невинной девы 1954 Playboy Mansion (до 2003)
Ascensionist Saint Cecilia 1955
Blue Horns. Design for a Scarf 1955
Combat (Microphysical Warriors) 1955
Illustration for «Tres Picos» 1955
The Lacemaker (copy of the painting by Vermeer Van Delft) 1955
Тайная вечеря 1955 Национальная галерея искусства
Paranoiac-Critical Study of Vermeer’s 'Lacemaker' 1955
Portrait of Laurence Olivier in the Role of Richard III 1955
The Rhinoceros Dressed on Lace 1955
The Rhinoceros Dressed on Lace (detail) 1955
Rhinocerotic Bust of Vermeer’s «Lacemaker» 1955
Rhinocerotic Figures 1955
Rhinocerotic Portrait of Vermeer’s «Lacemaker» 1955
Study for The Last Supper 1955
Two Disciples (Study for «Sacrament of the Last Supper») 1955
Без названия (The Amazing Adventure of Vermeer’s «Lacemaker») 1955
Anti-Protonic Assumption 1956
Assumpta Canaveral 1956
Don Quixote 1956-57
Don Quixote 1956-57
Don Quixote 1956-57
Don Quixote 1956-57
Fancy Costumes 1956
The Infant Jesus 1956
The Motionless Swallow. Study for «Still Life — Fast Moving» 1956
Живой натюрморт 1956 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Rhinocerotic Gooseflesh 1956
Saint Surrounded by Three Pi-Mesons 1956
The Skull of Zurbarán 1956
St. Helena of Port Lligat 1956
Study for a fruit bowl in «Still Life — Fast Moving» 1956
Study for «Nature Morte Vivante» 1956
Без названия 1956 Landscape with Butterflies
Vase of Flowers 1956
Wine Glass and Boat 1956
Butterfly Landscape (The Great Masturbator in a Surrealist Landscape with D.N.A.) 1957-58
Celestial Ride 1957
The Duke of Urbino (Portrait of Count Theo Rossi Di Montelera) 1957
The Golden Age (Don Quixote) 1957
The Grand Opera 1957
Metamorphosed Women — The Seven Arts 1957
Modern Rhapsody — The Seven Arts 1957
Red Orchestra 1957
Rock 'n Roll 1957
Saint John 1957
Santiago El Grande 1957
Sorcery — The Seven Arts 1957
Swallow 1957
Без названия (Surrealist Landscape) 1957-58
Allegorical Saint and Angels in Adoration of the Holy Spirit 1958
Angel 1958
Ascension 1958
The Ascension of Christ 1958
Christ. From «The Apocalypse of St. John» 1958
Clown for «The Amazing Adventure of the Lacemaker and the Rhinoceros» 1958
Cosmic Madonna 1958
Cover of «The Apocalypse of St. John» 1958
Detail from «Moonlit Landscape with Accompaniment» 1958
Dionysus Spitting the Complete Image of Cadaqués on the Tip of the Tongue of a Three-Storied Gaudinian Woman 1958-60
Открытие Америки Христофором Колумбом 1958-59 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Landscape Near Port Lligat 1958
Logical Rapproachment of a Trouser Button and a Pair of Cherries 1958
Медитативная роза[вд] 1958 частная
Metamorphosis of Hitler’s Face into a Moonlit Landscape with Accompaniment 1958
PI-Mesonic Angel 1958
The Pope’s Ear 1958
Portraif of Chester Dale and His Dog Coco 1958
Portrait of Sir James Dunn 1958
Radiolaire Skeleton. Illustration for « Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship» 501958
Religious Scene in Particles 1958
The Sistine Madonna 1958
The Sistine Madonna (detail) 1958
Study for «The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus» 1958
Velazquez Painting the Infanta Margarita with the Lights and Shadows of His Own Glory 1958
Christ on a Pebble 1959
Leda’s Swan 1959
Of the Very Monarchical Education of the Young 1959
Pieta. From «The Apocalypse of St. John» 1959
Port Lligat at Sunset 1959
Portrait of Reinaldo Herrera Marquis De Torre Casa 1959
Study for «Woman Undressing» 1959
The Vase of Cornflowers 1959
The Virgin of Guadalupe 1959
Woman Undressing 1959


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
The Apocalypse of Saint John 1960
Arabs. Study for «The Battle of Tetuan» 1960
Beatrice 1960
Birth of a Divinity 1960
Birth of a Goddess 1960
Cathedral (unfinished) 1960
Chair with the Wings of a Vulture 1960
The Cosmic Athlete 1960
Вселенский собор 1960 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Вселенский собор 1960
A Fate of the Parthenon 1960
Female Seated Nude 1960
Figure In the Shape of a Cloud 1960
Gala Nude From Behind Looking in an Invisible Mirror 1960
Hyperxiological Sky 1960
The Life of Mary Magdalene 1960
Madonna 1960
The Maids-in-Waiting (Las Meninas) 1960
The Maids-in-Waiting (Las Meninas; detail) 1960
Portrait of «Bobo» Rockefeller 1960 неокончен
Portrait of Countess Ghislaine d’Oultremont 1960
Portrait of Juan de Pareja Repairing a String of His Mandolin 1960
Portrait of a Man (They Were There) 1960
Portrait of Mrs. Fagen 1960
Portrait of St. Jerome 1960
A Propos of the «Treatise on Cubic Form» by Juan de Herrera 1960
Saint Anne and the Infant 1960
Saint Anne and Saint John 1960
San Salvador and Antonio Gaudi Fighting for the Crown of the Virgin 1960
The Servant of the Disciples at Emmaus 1960
Six Figures 1960
The Space Elephant 1960
St. Peter’s in Rome (Explosion of Mystical Faith in the Midst of a Cathedral) 1960
The Trinity (Study for «The Ecumenical Council») 1960
Two Religious Figures 1960
Без названия 1960
Без названия (The Lady of Avignon) 1960
Arabs. Study for «The Battle of Tetuan» 1961
Битва при Тетуане[вд] 1961-62 частная См. Битва за Тетуан
The Infanta (Standing Woman) 1961
Leda’s Swan (Leda and the Swan) 1961
Mohammed’s Dream (Homage to Fortuny) 1961
Portrait of a Woman — Grey Jacket Wearing a Pearl Necklace 1961
Study for «The Battle of Tetuan» 1961
Study for «The Battle of Tetuan» 1961
The Alchemist 1962
Arab 1962
Arab 1962
Macrophotographic Self-Portrait with the Appearance of Gala 1962
Macrophotographic Self-Portrait with the Appearance of Gala (detail) 1962
Medusa’s Head 1962
Portrait of Mr. Fagen 1962
The Sacred Heart of Jesus 1962
St. George and the Dragon 1962
Study for «The Battle of Tetuan» 1962
Study of a Female Nude 1962
Twist in the Studio of Velazquez 1962
Vision of Fatima 1962
Arabs — the Death of Raimundus Lullus 1963
Arabs — the Death of Raymond Lulle 1963
Desoxyribonucleic Acid Arabs 1963
D’Artagnan 1963
Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger 1963
Galacidalacidesoxyribonucleicacid 1963 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
Hercules Lifts the Skin of the Sea and Stops Venus for an Instant from Waking Love 1963
The Judgement of Paris 1963
Madonna with a Mystical Rose 1963
Mohammed’s Dream 1963
Portrait of My Dead Brother 1963
Religious Scene 1963
Study for Deoxyribonucleic Acid Arabs 1963
Study for Deoxyribonucleic Acid Arabs 1963
Study for «Fifty Abstract Pictures Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen From Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger» 1963
Без названия (Still Life with Lilies) 1963
Bust of Dante 1964
The Dream of Ezechiel 1964
Female Nude (after restoration) 1964
Landscape with Flies 1964
Madonna with a Rose 1964
Без названия (St. John) 1964
Без названия. Female Nude on a Palette 1964
Venus with Drawers 1964
Venus' Otorhinologic Head 1964
The Anatomy Lesson 1965
Barcelona. Beachwear Design 1965
The Chalice of Life 1965
«Character Masquerading in Pinning Up a Butterfly» 1965
Coming Back. Design for a Beach Two-piece 1965
Crucifixion (Dedication: For Gala Queen of the Divine Dalí) 1965
Dalínian Empire. Design for a Summer Cocktail Dress 1965
The Duke D’Olivares 1965
Extra Flat. Design for a Bikini 1965
Fifty-Fifty. Swimsuit Design 1965
Homage to Meirronier 1965
Homage to Millet 1965
Laocoon Tormented by Flies 1965
Michelin’s Slave — Can Be Used as a Car 1965
Night in the Hotel (Abstract in Black and White) 1965
Odalisque by a Bath (Harem Scene) 1965
ODalísque. Design for a Summer Evening Dress 1965
Philipp II Taking Communion 1965
Portrait of Gala (Gala Against the Light) 1965
Portrait of Mrs. Ruth Daponte 1965
The Railway Station at Perpignan 1965
Апофеоз доллара (англ. Salvador Dalí in the Act of Painting Gala in the Apotheosis of the Dollar) 1965 Театр-музей Дали
The Sun of Dalí 1965
Tennis. Design for a Tennis Dress 1965
Thirst 1965
Без названия (Apocalyptic Christ: Christ with Flames) 1965
Без названия (St. John from Behind) 1965
Yellow Astronaut (clerical). Design for a Summer Evening Dress 1965
Large Figure for «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Large Figure for «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Moses and the Pharaoh 1966
The Progress of «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Study for «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Study for «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Study for «Tuna Fishing» 1966-67
Tuna Fishing 1966-67 advanced State
Tuna Fishing 1966-67 advanced State
Tuna Fishing 1966-67 advanced State
Без названия 1966 Erotic Scene with Seven Figures
Ashtray 1967
Dalí-Flower 1967
Figure Climbing a Stair 1967
The Flower Show — Carnation 1967
Gala 1967
Le Voyageur 1967
The Mountains of Cap Creus on the March 1967
One of graphics for «Dali illustre Casanova» (Dali Illustrates Casanova) 1967
Swan-Elephant and Serpent — Can Be Used as an Ashtray 1967
Ловля тунца 1967 Фонд Поля Ришара[англ.]
Cyclops 1968
Fisherman of Port Lligat Mending His Net 1968
Галлюциногенный торреро 1968-70 Музей Сальвадора Дали (Сент-Питерсберг)
L’Important C’est la Rose 1968
Light and Shadow 1968
Mad Mad Mad Minerva — Illustration for «Memories of Surrealism» 1968
The Patio of Port Lligat 1968
Sketch for «The Hallucinogenic Toreador» 1968
Study for the Toreador’s Face in «The Hallucinogenic Toreador». The Likeness Suggests That It Could Well Have Become Gala’s Face 1968
Study for «Cosmic Athlete» 1968
Study of Flies for «The Hallucinogenic Toreador» 1968
Tauromachia I — The Torero, the Kill (third and final round of the bullfight) 1968
Debris Christ 1969
Emblem of Wounded Pride 1969
Hour of the Monarchy 1969
Pimp 1969
The Pool of Tears. Illustration for «Alice in Wonderland» by Lewis Carroll in an Edition Published by Maecenas Press, New York 1969
Study of a Male Nude — Saint Sebastian 1969
The Swimming Pool in Port Lligat 1969-70
Tap (Grill) 1969
Toreo Noir 1969
Без названия (Still Life with White Cloth) 1969
Без названия (Surrealist Angel) 1969


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Apparition of Venus 1970
Christ 1970
The Dalinian Senyera (Catalonian National Flag) 1970
Death Mask of Napoleon 1970
Death Mask of Napoleon 1970
Death Mask of Napoleon — Can Be Used as a Cover for a Rhinoceros 1970
Hannibal Crossing the Alps 1970
Hannibal Crossing the Alps 1970
The Horseman of the Apocalypse 1970
Les Clemolselles D’Avignon (The Girls of Avignon) 1970
Nude Figures at Cape Creus 1970
Op Rhinoceros 1970
Otorhinological Head of Venus 1970
Otorhinological Head of Venus 1970
Patient Lovers (Apparition of a Stereoscopic Face in the Ampurdan Landscape) 1970
Portrait of John Theodoracopoulos 1970
Portrait of Picasso (I Too Have Known the Emperor) 1970
Project for a Swimming Pool in Pubol 1970
Roger Freeing Angelica (St. George and the Damsel) 1970
Silhouette of a Tightrope Walker and Clown 1970
Sketch for a Ceiling of the Teatro-Museo Dalí 1970
Study for the Decoration of the Ceiling in Pubol 1970
Без названия (Michelangelo Head with Drawers) 1970
Winged Victory 1970
The Banker (series of eleven gouaches on different professions) 1971
Caligula’s Horse (Dalí's Horses) 1971
Ceiling of the Hall of Gala’s Chateau at Pubol 1971
The Christian Knight (Dalí's Horses) 1971
Clauilegnio — The Flaming Horse (Dalí's Horses) 1971
Dalí as a Child with His Father 1971
Design for the Pool at Port Lligat 1971
Doctor, Doctor 1971
Figure with Flag. Illustration for «Memories of Surrealism» 1971
Lady Godiva (Dalí's Horses) 1971
Le Char d’Or 1971
Now It Is Evening (Amazon) 1971
The Second Coming of Christ 1971
The Second Coming of Christ 1971
View of Pubol 1971
View of Pubol 1971
Dalí from the Back Painting Gala from the Back Eternalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected in Six Real Mirrors (unfinished) 1972-73
Dalí from the Back Painting Gala from the Back Eternalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected in Six Real Mirrors (unfinished) 1972-73
«Dalí» Palette. Frontispiece for the outline of «The Key Dalí Paintings» 1972
The Daughter of the West Wind 1972
The Face 1972
Gala’s Dream (Dream of Paradise) 1972
Marilyn Monroe 1972
Object for Gala 1972
Overture in Trompe l’Oeil 1972
Palace of the Winds 1972-73
Palace of the Winds (ceiling painting in the Teatro Museo Dalí; detail) 1972-73
Polyhedron. Basketball Players Being Transformed into Angels (Assembling a Hologram — the Central Element) 1972
Quantification of Leonardo de Vinci’s «Last Supper» 1972
Radiators, Radiator-Covers 1972
Автопортрет (фотомонтаж со знаменитым «Мао-Мэрилин», созданным Филиппом Халсманом по просьбе Дали) 1972 См. Мэрилин в образе Мао
Sfumato 1972
The Sleeping Smoker 1972-73
The Sleeping Smoker 1972-73
Space Eve 1972
Trajan on Horseback 1972
Без названия (Stereoscopic Painting) 1972
Behind 1973
Ceiling of the «Palace of the Wind» 1973
Figurine-Nike sur un Socle 1973
Gala’s Castle at Pubol 1973
Hercules and Gravida 1973
Hitler Masturbating 1973
Holos! Holos! Velazquez! Gabor! 1973
Las Galas of Port Lligat 1973
Pomona, Autumn 1973
Portrait of Dr. Brian Mercer 1973
The Prince of Sleep (El principe de ensueno) 1973-79
Study for the Commemoration of the First Cylindrical Hologram for Alice Cooper 1973
Three Hyper-Realist Graces (Anti-Racism) 1973
The Angel of Alchemy 1974
Armchair with Landscape Painted for Gala’s Chateau at Pubol 1974
Battle in the Clouds 1974
The Black Mass 1974
Bust of Velazquez Turning into Three Figures Conversing 1974
Christ of St. John on the Cross 1974
Cranach Metamorphosis (Woman in a Mirror) 1974
Equestrian Portrait of Carmen Bordiu-Franco 1974
Figure with Swan 1974
Gala at the Window 1974
Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea Which at Twenty Meters Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln — Homage to Rothko (first version) 1974-75
Gala’s Foot 1974
Gala’s Foot (left panel) 1974
Gala’s Foot (right panel) 1974
Nieuw Amsterdam 1974
Nude coming up a Stairway 1974
The Palace of the Wind 1974
The Palace of the Wind 1974
Patio-Garden of the Dalí Museum-Theatre in Figueras 1974
The Phoenix 1974
Ruggiero Freeing Angelica 1974
The Shoe (Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically) 1974
The Shoe (Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically) (reconstruction) 1974
Standing Female Nude 1974
To Meli 1974
Transformation of «Antiques» Magazine Cover into the Apparition of a Face 1974
Wounded Soft Watch 1974
Castor and Pollux 1975
The Chair (stereoscopic work, left component) 1975
The Chair (stereoscopic work, right component) 1975
Flamme-Figure 1975
The Giraffe (The Giraffe of Avignon) 1975
Lullus — Homage to Raimundus Lullus (design for a ceiling painting) 1975
Nude in a Landscape 1975
Study for «The Chair» 1975
Architectural Design (Eye Catching Economy) 1976
The Chair (stereoscopic work, left component) 1976
The Chair (stereoscopic work, right component) 1976
Christ Twisted 1976
Christ Twisted 1976
Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea Which at Twenty Meters Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln — Homage to Rothko (second version) 1976
Homage to Philosophy 1976
Las Meninas (The Maids-in-Waiting) (stereoscopic work, left component) 1976-77
Las Meninas (The Maids-in-Waiting) (stereoscopic work, right component) 1976-77
Musical Harmony 1976
Perseu 1976
Portrait of Gala 1976-77
Preparatory Drawing for «The Chair» 1976
Soft Monster (Monstruo blando adormercido) 1976
Study for «Las Meninas» (stereoscopic work, left component) 1976
Study for «Las Meninas» (stereoscopic work, right component) 1976
Trajano to Horse 1976
The Unicorn (unfinished) 1976
The Wash Basin (stereoscopic work, left component) 1976
The Wash Basin (stereoscopic work, right component) 1976
Angelic Landscape 1977
Aurora’s Head, After Michelangelo (detail of a Figure on the Grave of Lorenzo Di Medici) 1977
Dalí Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus (stereoscopic work, right component) 1977
Dalí's Hand Drawing Back the Golden Fleece in the Form of a Cloud to Show Gala the Dawn, Completely Nude, Very, Very Far Away Behind the Sun (stereoscopic work, left component) 1977
Dalí's Hand Drawing Back the Golden Fleece in the Form of a Cloud to Show Gala the Dawn, Completely Nude, Very, Very Far Away Behind the Sun (stereoscopic work, right component) 1977
Daphne: the Tree Woman 1977
Fertility 1977
The Happy Unicorn 1977
Head (stair-way in the museum) 1977
Las Meninas (The Maids-in-Waiting) — first metaphysical hyper-realist painting (unfinished) 1977
Mae West Room 1977
Monument dedicated to Francesco Pujol (Catalan philosopher) 1977
Nike, Victory Goddess of Samothrace, Appears in a Tree Bathed in Light 1977
Patio of the Teatro-Museo Dalí 1977
Portrait of Gala 1977
Randomdot Correlogram — The Golden Fleece (stereoscopic work, left component; unfinished) 1977
Randomdot Correlogram — The Golden Fleece (stereoscopic work, right component; unfinished) 1977
Soft Skulls with Fried Egg Without the Plate, Angels and Soft Watch in an Angelic Landscape 1977
Spanish Knight 1977
Study for «Dalí Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus» 1977
Surrealist Angel 1977
Без названия 1977
Virgin with Swallows 1977
Allegory of Spring 1978
Ampurdanese Landscape 1978
Cybernetic Odalisque 1978
Dark Tapeworms 1978
The Eye of the Angelus (stereoscopic work, left component; unfinished) 1978
The Eye of the Angelus (stereoscopic work, right component; unfinished) 1978
Gala’s Christ (stereoscopic work, left component) 1978
Gala’s Christ (stereoscopic work, right component) 1978
The Harmony of the Spheres 1978
Landscape Near Ampurdan 1978
Pierrot Lunaire (stereoscopic work, unfinished) 1978
A postage stamp designed by Dali for the French mail 1978
Stereoscopic Composition, Based on Millet’s «Angelus» (unfinished) 1978
Stereoscopic Composition, Based on Millet’s «Angelus» (unfinished) 1978
Study for The Harmony of the Spheres 1978
Woman with Egg and Arrows 1978
Athens Is Burning! The School of Athens and the Fire in the Borgo (stereoscopic work, left component) 1979-80
Athens Is Burning! The School of Athens and the Fire in the Borgo (stereoscopic work, right component) 1979-80
Battle in the Clouds (stereoscopic work, left component) 1979
Battle in the Clouds (stereoscopic work, right component) 1979
Copy of a Rubens Copy of a Leonardo 1979
Dawn, Noon, Sunset, and Twilight 1979
Gala Bouquet 1979
Long Live the Station at Perpignan, Long Live Figueras 1979
More Beautiful than Canova 1979
Nude and Horse with Metamorphosis (unfinished) 1979
Pentagonal Sardana (stereoscopic work, left component) 1979
Pentagonal Sardana (stereoscopic work, right component) 1979
Phosphene 1979
Raphaelesque Hallucination 1979
Searching for the Fourth Dimension 1979
A Soft Watch Put in the Appropriate Place to Cause a Young Ephebe to Die and Be Resuscitated by Excess of Satisfaction (unfinished) 1979
Study for «Compianto Diabele» by Canova (unfinished) 1979
Three Graces of Canova (unfinished) 1979


Изображение Название Год Коллекция Примечание
Arabs 1980
Arabs 1980
The Cheerful Horse 1980
Group Surrounding a Reclining Nude — Velazquez 1980-81
Sleeping Young Narcissus 1980
Без названия (Bridge with Reflections; sketch for a dual image picture, unfinished) 1980
Без названия (Landscape with Celestial Beings) 1980
Amphitrite 1981
Apparition of the Visage of Aphrodite of Cnide in a Landscape 1981
Argus 1981
Classic Figure and Head (unfinished) 1981-82
The Exterminating Angels 1981
Figures (Scene after Goya) 1981
Gala in a Patio Watching the Sky, Where the Equestrian Figure of Prince Baltasar Carlos and Several Constellations (All) Appear, after Velazquez 1981
The Garden of Hours 1981
The Gaseous Swan 1981
Great Tapeworm Masturbator, Appears Behind Arcades 1981
Hermes 1981
Jason Carrying the Golden Fleece (unfinished) 1981
Landscape 1981
Landscape with Rock in the Shape of a Triumphal Arch 1981
Medea or Jason Taking Possession of the Golden Fleece 1981
Mercury and Argos 1981
The Path of Enigmas (first version) 1981
The Path of Enigmas (second version) 1981
The Pearl 1981
Reading. Family Scene by Lamplight 1981
Ready-to-wear Fashion for Next Spring: «Garlands, Nests and Flowers» 1981
Seated Figure Contemplating a «Great Tapeworm Masturbator» 1981
Spanish Nobleman with a Cross of Brabant on His Jerkin 1981
Three Female Figures in Festive Gowns 1981
Tower 1981
Tower 1981
The Tower of Enigmas 1981
The Towers 1981
Без названия (Female Bust with Draped Cloth) 1981
Без названия (Head of a Woman; unfinished) 1981
Без названия (Imaginary Landscape at Pubol) 1981
Без названия (Skin of a Beach) 1981
Woman on a Ram 1981
After the Head of «Giuliano di Medici», Florence 1982
After Michelangelo’s «Moses», on the Tomb of Julius II in Rome 1982
After Michelangelo’s «Squatting Child» 1982
Architectural Contortion of El Escorial 1982
Atmospherocephalic Figures 1982
Don Jose Nieto Velazquez from «Las Meninas» by Velazquez, Musec, Del Prado, Madrid 1982
Double Victory of Gaudi 1982
El Escorial and Catastrophe-Form Calligraphy 1982
Enigma (unfinished version of «The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala») 1982
Exploded Head 1982
Figure after Michelangelo’s «Dawn» on the Tomb of Lorenzo di Medici 1982
Figure in the Water — After a Drawing by Michelangelo for the «Resurrection of Christ» 1982
Figure Inspired by the Adam of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel 1982
«Giuliano di Medici» by Michelangelo, Seen from Behind 1982
Head, after Michelangelo’s, «Giuliano di Medici» 1982
Hysterical Venus de Milo 1982-83
In the Courtyard of the Escorial, the Silhouette of Sebastian De Morra, in which the Face of Gala, Surrounded by Catastrophic Signs, Appears (stereoscopic work, unfinished) 1982
The Infanta Margarita of Velazquez Appearing in the Silhouette of Horsemen in the Courtyard of the Escorial 1982
Landscape with Hidden Image of Michelangelo’s «David» 1982
Martyr — Inspired by the Sufferings of Dalí in His Illness 1982
Mirror Women — Mirror Heads 1982
Ole 1982
Othello Dreaming Venice 1982
Pieta 1982
Pieta 1982
Rock Figure after the Head of Christ in the «Pieta» of Palestrina by Michelangelo 1982
Saint Sebastian 1982
Scene in the Courtyard of the Escorial with a Figure in the Foreground Inspired by Michelangelo’s «Evening» on the Tomb of Lorenzo di Medici 1982
Sebastian de Morra with Catastrophic Signs (stereoscopic work, unfinished) 1982
Study for «Ole» (unfinished) 1982
The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala 1982
The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala (second version) 1982
The Tomb of Francesco Pujols 1982
Topological Study for «Exploded Head» 1982
Без названия (After «The Day» by Michelangelo) 1982
Без названия (After «The Night» by Michelangelo) 1982
Без названия (Composition — Courtyard of the Escorial with Figure and Sebastian De Morra, Veldzquez’s Dwarf) 1982
Без названия (first study for «The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala») 1982
Без названия — Equestrian Figure of Prince Baltasar Carlos, after Velazquez, with Figures in the Courtyard of the Escorial 1982
Без названия — Nude Figures after Michelangelo 1982
Velazquez and a Figure 1982
Velazquez Dying Behind the Window on the Left Side Out of Which a Spoon Projects 1982
Warrior 1982
Bed and Bedside Table Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello (Final Stage) 1983
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello (last state) 1983
Bed, Chair and Bedside Table Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
Car 1983
Cutlet and Match — The Chinese Crab 1983
Descent from the Cross of a Cello-Christ 1983
Head Inspired by Michelangelo 1983
Pieta 1983
The Pieta of the Cello-Christ 1983
St. George Overpowering a Cello 1983
Study for Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
Study for Chair and Bedside Table Ferociously Attacking a Cello 1983
The Swallowtail 1983
Topological Abduction of Europe — Homage to Rene Thom 1983
Topological Contortion of a Female Figure 1983
Topological Contortion of a Female Figure Becoming a Violoncello 1983
Torre Galatea 1983
The Truck (We’ll be arriving later, about five o’clock) 1983
Без названия (Figures, Pieta, Catastrophic Signs) 1983
Без названия — Head of a Spanish Nobleman, Fashioned by the Catastrophe Model from a Swallow’s Tail and Two Halves of a Cello 1983
Без названия — Series on Catastrophes 1983
Warrior Mounted on an Elephant Overpowering a Cello 1983
Alice in Wonderland 1984
Hommage a Terpsichord (La Danse) 1984
Profile du Temps 1984
The Profile of Time 1984
«Bracceli» the Warrior with a Corpse — Torero Series 1985
Head of Europa — Torero Series 1985
Interpretation of Goya’s Los Caprichos 1985
Six Designs of Playing Cards, The Joker 1985
Two Phoenixes in Combat — Torero Series 1985

Другие работы


  • Завоевание иррационального (1935)
  • Тайная жизнь Сальвадора Дали, написанная им самим (1942)
  • Сокрытые Лица (1944)
  • Illustrations for Macbeth (1946)
  • 50 магических секретов мастерства (1948)
  • Дневник одного гения (1963)
  • Открытое письмо Сальвадору Дали (1967)
  • Le Diners De Gala (1973)
  • Неописуемые откровения Сальвадора Дали (1976)



Анимационные работы

Дизайн логотипов


  1. All Works of Salvador Dali. Дата обращения: 2009. Архивировано из оригинала 29 июля 2009 года.


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Artikel ini bukan mengenai Kejuaraan Formula Dua, Kejuaraan Formula 2, atau Formula Dua. Seri GP2KategoriPengemudi tunggalNegara atau daerahInternasionalMusim pertama2005Musim terakhir2016Pembalap26Tim13KonstruktorDallaraPemasok mesinMecachromePemasok banPirelliJuara pembalap terakhir Pierre GaslyJuara tim terakhir Prema RacingSitus webgp2series.com Musim saat ini Seri GP2, GP2 kependekannya, adalah bentuk balap mobil roda terbuka yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2005, setelah terjadinya penghen...



British cable television channel Home Video Channel (HVC) was a British cable television channel that began operating in 1985, broadcasting low-budget films between 8:00 p.m. and midnight. Film genres included horror, action, adventure, science fiction, and erotica. In 1992, a second channel, The Adult Channel, was launched by HVC's owner, Home Video Channel Limited (HVCL). It broadcast erotic films and softcore pornography. In 1994, HVCL was acquired by Spice Networks, a television chan...

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento scrittori tedeschi non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Ingo Schulze nel 2017 Ingo Schulze (Dresda, 15 dicembre 1962) è uno scrittore tedesco. Cresciuto nell'ex Germania orientale, ha studiato Filologia classica presso l'Università di Jena. Ha lavorato come consulente presso il Teatro di Stato di Altenbur...



American historian For other people named John Boswell, see John Boswell (disambiguation). John BoswellBornJohn Eastburn Boswell(1947-03-20)March 20, 1947Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.DiedDecember 24, 1994(1994-12-24) (aged 47)New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.Other namesJeb BoswellPartnerJerone Hart (1970–1994)Academic backgroundEducationCollege of William & Mary (BA)Harvard University (PhD)ThesisMuslim Communities Under the Crown of Aragon in the Fourteenth Century (1975)Academi...



Saint-UniaccomuneSaint-Uniac – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Francia Regione Bretagna Dipartimento Ille-et-Vilaine ArrondissementRennes CantoneMontauban-de-Bretagne TerritorioCoordinate48°10′N 2°02′W / 48.166667°N 2.033333°W48.166667; -2.033333 (Saint-Uniac)Coordinate: 48°10′N 2°02′W / 48.166667°N 2.033333°W48.166667; -2.033333 (Saint-Uniac) Altitudine70 m s.l.m. Superficie6,88 km² Abitanti516[1] (2009) D...

Questa voce sull'argomento cestisti statunitensi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Kris Clyburn Nazionalità  Stati Uniti Altezza 198 cm Peso 82 kg Pallacanestro Ruolo Guardia Squadra  Mitteldeutscher BC CarrieraGiovanili Romulus Senior High School2015-2016Ranger College2016-2019 UNLV R. RebelsSquadre di club 2019-2020 Astoria Bydgoszcz21 (322)2020-2021 Cmoki Mins...



هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (ديسمبر 2020) جيراردو دي لوس كوبوس سيلفا (بالإسبانية: Gerardo de los Cobos Silva)‏  معلومات شخصية الميلاد 11 أبريل 1962 (62 سنة)  ولاية غواناخواتو  مواطنة المكسيك  الحياة العملي...



جزء من سلسلة مقالات حولعلم طبقات الأرض الفروع الرئيسية جيولوجيا جيوفيزياء طرق التأريخ الجيولوجي تأريخ نسبي تحديد العمر الحقيقي تأريخ إشعاعي جيوكرونولوجي الفروع المتعددة لعلم الجيولوجيا الجيوكيمياء علم البلورات علم المعادن علم وصف الصخور علم الصخور الجيولوجيا التاريخي...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Februari 2023. Annakodiyum Aindhu PengalumGenreTamil soap opera DramaDitulis olehR. SelvarajSkenarioBaba KendySutradaraCheyyar RaviPengarah kreatifT.G. ThiyagarayanPemeranShruthi Raj Lakshmi Venkat DeepaNegara asalTamil NaduBahasa asliTamilJmlh. musim2Jmlh. episode4...



  لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع وزارة الخارجية (توضيح). جمهورية العراق وزارة الخارجية وزارة الخارجية (العراق)شعار العراق تفاصيل الوكالة الحكومية البلد العراق  الاسم الكامل وزارة الخارجية تأسست 1924  المركز منطقة العلاوي - الكرخ - بغداد،  العراق الإحداثيات 33°19′15″N 44°23′21″E&#x...