Попп, Фриц-Альберт

Фриц-Альберт Попп
нем. Fritz-Albert Popp
Дата рождения 11 мая 1938(1938-05-11)
Место рождения Франкфурт-на-Майне
Дата смерти 4 августа 2018(2018-08-04)[1] (80 лет)
Место смерти
Род деятельности биофизик, преподаватель университета, физик
Научная сфера биофизика
Место работы
Альма-матер университет Вюрцбурга
Учёная степень доктор
Учёное звание профессор
Ученики Bernhard Ruth, Martin Rattemeyer
Известен как исследователь биофотонной эмиссии
Награды и премии Röntgen-Prize (1966)

Фриц-Альберт Попп (нем. Fritz-Albert Popp, 11 мая 1938, Франкфурт-на-Майне, Германия4 августа 2018) — немецкий биофизик, специалист в области биофотоники[2], основатель Международного института биофизики в Дюссельдорфе (1996) и международной сети из 19 научно-исследовательских институтов 13 стран мира, участвующих в биофотонных исследованиях и программе согласования систем в биологии.


  • F.A.Popp: Cancer Growth and Its Inhibition in Terms of Coherence. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.28 (1) pp.  53–60, 2009
  • Brizhik LS, Del Giudice E, Popp FA, Maric-Oehler W, Schlebusch KP.On the dynamics of self-organization in living organisms. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.28 (1) pp. 28–40, 2009
  • F.A.Popp, Walburg Maric-Oehler, Klaus-Peter Schlebusch, Wolfgang Klimek: Evidence of Light Piping (Meridian-Like Channels) in the Human Body and Nonlocal EMF Effects. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.24 (3): 359-374, 2005
  • About the Coherence of Biophotons 1999 Архивная копия от 19 марта 2012 на Wayback Machine
  • F.A.Popp and K.H.Li: Hyberbolic Relaxation as a Sufficient Condition of a Fully Coherent Ergodic Field, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 32 (1993), 1573-1583
  • F.A.Popp and Y.Yan: Delayed luminescence of biological systems in terms of coherent states, Physics Letters A 293 (2002), 93-97
  • F.A.Popp, J.J.Chang, A.Herzog, Z.Yan and Y.Yan: Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems. Physics Letters A 293 (2002), 98-102
  • Popp, F.A.: Molecular Aspects of Carcinogenesis. In: Deutsch, E., Moser, K., Rainer, H., Stacher, A.(eds.): Molecular Base of Malignancy. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1976, pp.  47–55
  • Popp, F.A.: Biophotonen: Ein neuer Weg zur Lösung des Krebsproblems. Schriftenreihe Krebsgeschehen, Bd. 6. Verlag für Medizin Dr. Ewald Fischer, Heidelberg 1976. 2. verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage 1984
  • Popp, F.A.: Vom Wesen des Lebens: Analyse der Strahlung aus biologischen Systemen. Umschau, Vol. 79, Heft 8 (1979), pp.  235–239
  • Popp, F.A.: Photons and their importance to biology. In: Wolkowski, Z.W. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wave Therapeutics - Interaction of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation with living systems; Versailles, 19.-20. Mai 1979. Université de Paris-Val de Marne, Créteil 1983, pp.  43–59
  • Popp, F.A.: Experimental investigations on ultraweak photon emission from biological systems. In: Schram, Eric P., Stanley, P.(eds.): Proceedings International symposium on analytical applications of bioluminescence and chemilumiscence, Brüssel 1978, pp.  601–617
  • Popp, F.A.: Coherent photon storage of biological systems. In: Popp, F.A., Becker, G., König, H.L, Peschka, W. (Hrsg.): Electromagnetic Bio-information. Proceedings of the symposium, Marburg, 5. September 1977. Urban & Scharzenberg, München-Wien-Baltimore 1979
  • Popp, F.A.: Biologie des Lichts. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin-Hamburg 1984
  • Popp, F.A.: Principles of quantum biology as demonstrated by ultraweak photon emission from living cells. In: Proceedings of the international conference on lasers '85, 2.-6. Dez.1985, The Society of Optical & Quantum Electronics, Las Vegas, pp.  311–316
  • Popp, F.A.: On the coherence of ultraweak photon emission from living tissues. In: Kilmister, C.W. (ed.): Disequilibrium and self-organisation. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston 1986, pp.  207–230
  • Popp, F.A.: On the coherence of ultraweak photon emission from living tissues. In: Jezowska-Trzebiatowska, B., et al.(eds.): Photon emission from biological systems. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore 1987, pp.  137–152
  • Popp, F.A.: Some essential questions of biophoton research, and probable answers. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp.  1–46
  • Popp, F.A.: Evolution as the expansion of coherent states. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp.  445–456
  • Popp, F.A.: Some remarks on biological consequences of a coherent biophoton field. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp.  357–373
  • Popp, F.A.: Evolution as expansion of coherent states. In: Rubik, Beverly (ed.): The interrelationship between mind and matter. Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia 1992
  • Popp, F.A.: Die Botschaft der Nahrung: Unsere Lebensmittel in neuer Sicht. Fischer alternativ. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1993
  • Popp, F.A.: Electromagnetism and living systems. In: Ho, Mae-Wan, Popp, F.A., Warnke, U.(eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994, pp.  33–80
  • Popp, F.A., Becker, G., König, H.L., Peschka, W. (Hrsg.): Electromagnetic bio-information. Proceedings of the symposium, Marburg, 5. September 1977. Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Wien-Baltimore 1979. 2. durchges.u.erw. Aufl.1989
  • Popp, F.A., Ruth, B., Bahr, W., Böhm, J., Grass, P., Grolig, G., Rattemeyer, M., Schmidt, H.G., Wulle, P.: Emission of visible and ultraviolet radiation by active biological systems. Collective Phenomena, Vol. 3 (1981), pp.  187–214
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: A physical (electromagnetic) model of differentiation. 2) Application and examples. Cytobios, Vol. 37 (1983), pp.  71–83
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Nagl, W.: A thermodynamic approach to the temperature response of biological systems as demonstrated by low level luminescence of cucumber seedlings. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie, Vol. 114, Heft 1 (1984), pp. 1–13
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W., Li, K.H., Scholz, W., Weingärtner, O., Wolf, R.: Biophoton emission - New evidence for coherence and DNA as source. Cell Biophysics, Vol. 6 (1984), pp. 33–51
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Towards an understanding of stacked base interactions: Non-equilibrium phase transitions as a possible model. Polymer Bulletin, Vol. 15 (1986), pp. 89–91
  • Popp, F.A., Gurwitsch, A.A., Inaba, H., Slawinski, J., Cilento, G., van Wijk, R., Chwirot, W.B., Nagl, W.: Biophoton emission (Multi-author review). Experientia, Vol. 44 (1988), pp. 543–600
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Mei, W.P., Galle, M., Neurohr, R.: Physical aspects of biophotons. Experientia, Vol. 44 (1988), pp. 576–585
  • Popp, F.A., Deny, J.: Biophotonen-Information und Chaostheorie. In: Stacher, H. (Hrsg.): Ganzheitsmedizin. Zweiter Wiener Dialog. Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien 1991, pp.  53–66
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q. (eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H.: Hyperbolic relaxation as a sufficient condition of a fully coherent ergodic field. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 9 (September 1993), pp. 1573–1583
  • Popp, F.A., Chang, J.J., Gu, Q., Ho. M.W.: Nonsubstantial biocommunication in terms of Dicke's theory. In: Ho, Mae-Wan, Popp, F.A., Warnke, U. (eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994, pp.  293–317
  • Chwirot, W.B., Popp, F.A.: White-light-induced luminescence and mitotic activity of year cells. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, Vol. 29, No. 4 (1991), pp. 155
  • Cohen, S., Popp, F.A.: Low-level luminescence of the human skin. Skin Research and Technology, Vol. 3 (1997), pp.  177–180
  • Cohen, S., Popp, F.A.: Biophoton emission of the human body. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 40 (1997), pp.  187–189
  • Etienne, J.J., Popp, F.A.: Low-level luminescence of Acetabularia acetabulum as a tool for evaluating innocuity and efficiency of cosmetic ingredients. 17th IFSCC International Congress, Yokohama 1992
  • Galle, M., Neurohr, R., Altmann, G., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Biophoton emission from Daphnia magna: A possible factor in the self-regulation of swarming. Experientia, Vol. 47 (1991), pp.  457–460
  • Gu, Q., Popp, F.A.: Nonlinear response of biophoton emission to external perturbations. Experientia, Vol. 48 (1992), No. 11-12, pp.  1069–1082
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Physical Aspects of Biophoton Emission (invited paper). Third Arnold-Rikli-Symposium (Biologic Effects of Light), Basel, Switzerland (1993), also Photoimmunology & Photomedicine (USA), Vol. 9 (1993), 177
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Biophoton Physics: A Potential Measure of Organisational Order. In: Biologic Effects of Light, Jung E. G. and Holick M. F. (eds.), pp. 425–443, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1994)
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Biophoton Emission as a Potential Measure of Organisational Order. Science in China (English Edition), Vol. B37 (1994), 1099
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: Maxwell's demon, resonance and coherence in living systems. Paper presented at the 3rd Camelford conference on the implications of the Gaia thesis: "Symbiosis, cooperativity and coherence", 7.-10. November 1989, The Wadebridge Ecological Center, Camelford, Cornwall, UK
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: The evolution of biological form and organization without natural selection. Proceedings of the AAAS symposium on nonrandom evolution: "Matter, life, mind". Washington, DC, 14.-19. February 1991
  • Ho, M.W., Ross, S., Bolton, H., Popp, F.A., Li, X.X.: Electrodynamic activities and their role in the organization of body pattern. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1992), pp.  59–77
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: Biological organization, coherence, and light emission from living organisms. In: W. Stein, F.J.Varela (eds.): Thinking about biology. SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lectures Notes, Vol. III, Addison-Wesley, 1992
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A., Warnke, U. (eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W., Klima, H.: Indications of optical coherence in biological systems and its possible significance. In: Fröhlich, H., Kremer, F. (eds.): Coherent Excitations in Biological Systems (1983), pp. 117–122
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Non-exponential decay law of radiation systems with coherent rescattering. Physics Letters, Vol. 93A (17.January 1983), No.5, pp.  262–266
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Dynamics of DNA excited states. In: Mishra, R.K. (ed.): Molecular and biological physics of living systems. Kluwer, Boston-Dordrecht 1990, pp.  31–52
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Coherence and some quantum paradoxes. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp.  421–438
  • Nagl, W., Popp, F.A.: Opposite long-range interactions between normal and malignant cells. In: Barrett, T.W., Pohl, H.A. (eds.): Energy transfer dynamics. Springer Verlag, Berlin-New-York 1987, pp. 248–256
  • Rattemeyer, M., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Evidence of photon emission from DNA in living systems. Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 68, Nr. 11 (1981), pp.  572–573
  • Ruth, B, Popp F.A.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur ultraschwachen Photonenemission biologischer Systeme. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Vol 31c (1976) 741-745
  • Slawinski, J., Popp, F.A.: Temperature hysteresis of low-level luminescence from plants and its thermodynamical analysis. Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 130 (1987), pp.  111–123
  • van Wijk, R., Tilbury, R.N., Slawinski, J., Ezzahir, A., Godlewski, M., Kwiecinska, T., Rajfur, Z., Sitko, D., Wierzuchowska, D., Kochel, B., Qu, Q, Popp, F.A., Lilius, E.-M., Marnila, P., Aken, J.M. van: Multi-author review on biophoton emission, stress and disease. Experientia, Vol. 48 (1992), No. 11-12, pp.  1092–1102
  • van Wijk, R., van Aken, J.M., Mei, W.P., Popp, F.A.: Light-induced photon emission by mammalian cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 18 (1993), pp. 75–79
  • Zhang, C.-L., Popp. F.A.: Log-normal distribution of physiological parameters and the coherence of biological systems. Medical Hypotheses, Vol.43 (1994) pp.  11–16
  • Zhang, C.-L., Popp. F.A., Bischof, M. (eds.): Current development of Biophysics: the stage from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. Hangzhou University Press, Hangzhou, 1996
  • Chang J.J., J. Fisch, Popp, F.A. (eds.): Biophotons. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998
  • Popp, F. A.: Biophotons and Their Regulatory Role in Cells. Frontier Perspectives (The Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia), 7 (1998), 13-22
  • Popp, F. A. and J. J. Chang: Photon Sucking and the Basis of Biological Organization
  • Popp, F. A.: A Book Review of L. Beloussov: The Dynamic Architecture of a Developing Organism. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Development of Organism. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 238p
  • J.Pokorny, C.Vedruccio, M.Cifra et al., Cancer physics: diagnostics based on damped cellular elastoelectrical vibrations in microtubules, European Biophys Journal Vol.40:pp747–759, 2011
  • Grubnik, B P, Sitko S P, Shalimov A.A,Experience of using Sit’ko-MRT technology for rehabilitation of III-IV stage oncologic patients. Physics of the Alive Vol.6: pp. 97–115, 1998
  • F P Costa, A C de Oliveira, R Meirelles, M C C Machado, T Zanesco, R Surjan, M C Chammas, M de Souza Rocha, D Morgan, A Cantor, J Zimmerman, I Brezovich, N Kuster, A Barbault, B Pasche, „Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields”, British Journal of Cancer (2011) 105, 640–648)

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