Нисан Ливьятан был женат, у него родилось двое дочерей[1].
Вклад в науку
Нисан Ливьятан в 1985 году присоединился к команде, которая подготовила план по стабилизации экономики, под руководством профессора Михаэля Бруно и доктора Эмануэля Шарона[ивр.]. Программа позволила в короткие сроки снизить годовой уровень инфляции с 400 % до 20 %[3].
За свои научные достижения был неоднократно отмечен[2]:
Liviatan N., Klein L.R. The Significance of Income Variability on Savings Behavior//Bulletin of the Oxford Institute of Statistics. XIX, 1957, — pp. 151–160.
Liviatan N. Errors in Variables in Engel Curve Analysis//Econometrica, XXIX, 1961, pp. 336–362.
Liviatan N., Patinkin D. On the Economic Theory of Price Indexes//Economic Development and Cultural Change, IX, 1961, pp. 502–526.
Liviatan N. Tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis Based on a Reinterview Savings Survey/ C. Christ et al.//Measurement in Economics: Studies in Memory of Yehuda Grunfeld -Stanford University Press, 1962, pp. pp. 29–59, 63-66.
Liviatan N. Consistent Estimation of Distributed Lags// International Economic Review, IV, 1963, pp. 44–52.
Liviatan N. "Estimates of Distributed Lag Consumption Functions from Cross Section Data, " Review of Economics and Statistics, XLVII, 1965, pp. 44–54.
Liviatan N. "On the Long-Run Theory of Consumption and Real Balances, " Oxford Economic Papers, XVII, 1966, 14 pp.
Liviatan N. "A Generalization of the Composite-Good Theorem for Imperfect Markets, " Review of Economic Studies, XVII, 1965 14 pp.
Liviatan N. "The Concept of Capital in Professor Solow’s Model, " Econometrica. XXXIV, 1966, pp. 220–224.
Liviatan N. "Multiperiod Future Consumption as an Aggregate, " American Economic Review, LVI, 1966, 12 pp.
Liviatan N. "The Principle of Two-Stage Maximization in Price Theory, " in Value, Capital and Growth, (papers in honor of Sir John Hicks), 1968, pp. 291–304.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D. The Concept of the Golden Rule in the Case of More Than One Consumption Good, " American Economic Review, LVIII, 1968. Pp.100-120.
Liviatan N. A Diagremmatic Exposition of Optimal Growth, " American Economic Review, LX, 1970, pp. 302–309.
Liviatan N., Samuelson P.A. Notes on Turnpokes: Stable and Unstable//Journal of Economic Theory, IV, February 1972, pp. 88–93.
Liviatan N. "The Marginalist Principle in Discrete Production Models under Uncertain Demand, "Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1971, 17 pages (approx.).
Liviatan N., Lehvari D. On Stability in the Sadle-Point Sense, " Journal of Economic Theory, IV, February 1972, pp. 88–93.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D., Luski I. The Social Discount Rate. Consumption and Capital, « The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1974, pp. 117—125.
Liviatan N., N. Kemp Production and Trade Patterns under Uncertainty.» Economic Record, June 1973, pp. 216–227.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D. Government Intermediation in the Indexed Bonds Market, " American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 66, May 1976, pp.186-192.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D. Risk and the Theory of Indexed Bonds, " American Economic Review, Vol. 67, 1977, pp. 366–375.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D Aspects of the Theory of Indexed Bonds, " in Inflation, Theory and Anti-Inflation Policy, (ed. E. Lundberg), Macmillan, London, 1977, pp. 488—501.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D "Notes on Hotelling’s Economics of Exhaustible Resources, " Canadian Journal of Economics, X, May 1077, pp. 177–192.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D The Effects of Increasing Uncertainty of Inflation on Consumer’s Behavior with and without Indexation, " Research in Finance, Vol. 1, 1979, pp. 77-93.
Liviatan N., Lehvari D On the Deflatory Effect of Government’s Indexed Bonds, « Journal of Monetary Economics, 5, 1979, pp. 535–550.
Liviatan N.A Diagrammatic Exposition of the Monetary Economics», The Economic Record, September 1979.
Liviatan N.A Disequilibrium Analysis if the Monetary Trade Model, " Journal of International Economics, Vol. 9, 1979, pp. 355—377.
Liviatan N., Landskroner Y. Risk Premia and the Sources of Inflation//Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 13, May 1981, pp. 205—214.
Liviatan N. Monetary Expansion and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics, " Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 89, December 1981, pp. 1218–1227.
Liviatan N. Inflation, the Composition of Deficit Finance and Open Market Operations, " in Global Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R. Klein, ed. Adams and Hickman, MIT Press, 1983, pp.84-100.
Liviatan N.On the Equilibrium Wage Indexation and Neutrality of Indexation Police, « in Financial Policies and the World Capital Market: The Ptoblem of Latin American Countries, ed. Armella, Dornbush and Obstfeld, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1983, pp. 102–130.
Liviatan N.On the Interaction Between Wage and Asset Indexation.» In Inflation, Debt and Indexation, ed. Dornbush and Simonsen, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1983, pp. 267—280.
Liviatan N.Neutrality of Government Bonds Reconsidered, " Journal of Public Economics, 19, (1982), pp. 261–270.
Liviatan N. Tight Money and Inflation, " Journal of Monetary Economics, 13, 1984, pp. 5-15.
Liviatan N.Bank Credit and Inflation, « Economics Letters, 18, 1985.
Liviatan N., Piterman S. Accelerating Inflation and Valance of Payments Crises: Israel 1973—1984,» in ed. Ben-Porath, The Economy of Israel: Maturing through Crisies, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Liviatan N. Dollarization as a Monetary Reform, " Economic Quarterly, January 1985 (in Hebrew), pp. 848–858.
Liviatan N.The Tight Money Paradox — An Alternative View, " Journal of Macroeconomics, 1986, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 105—112.
Liviatan N.On the Interaction between Monetary and Fiscal Policies under Perfect Foresight, « Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 40, 1988, pp. 193–203.
Liviatan N., Blejer M. Fighting Hyperinflation: Stabilization Strategies in Argentina and Israel 1985-6,» IMF Staff Papers, 1987, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 409—438.
Liviatan N. Inflation and Stabilization in Israel — Conceptual Issues and Interpretation of Developments, « October 1987, Estudios Economicos.
Liviatan N.The Evolution of Disinflationary Policies in Israel: 1960—1986,» January 1987, Economic Quarterly,
Liviatan N., Kiguel M. Inflationary Rigidities and Orthodox Stabilization Policies: Lessons from Latin America, " The World Bank Economic Review, 1988, Vol. 2, pp. 273–298.
Liviatan N., Cukierman A. Rules, Discretion, Credibility and Reputation, " in Bank of Israel Review, 1990, 65, 3-25, (Hebrew).
Liviatan N., Cukierman A. Optimal Accommodation by Strong Policymakers Under Incomplete Information, " Journal of Monetary Economics, 1991, 27, 99-127.
Liviatan N., Kiguel M. The Inflation-stabilization Cycles in Argentina and Brazil, " in Lessons of Economic Stabilization and its Aftermath, (ed. Bruno et. al), 1991, The MIT Press, pp. 191—231.
Liviatan N., Kiguel M. The Business Cycle Assosiated with Exchange Rate Based Stabilization, « The World Bank Economic Review, 1992, 6, pp. 279–305.
Liviatan N., Kiguel M. When do Heterodox Stabilizations Work?» The World Bank Research Observer, 1992, 7, pp. 35-37.
Liviatan N., Cukierman A., Kiguel M. How Much to Commit to an Exchange Rate Rule? Balancing Credibility and Flexibility, " Reviasta de Analisis Economico, 1992, 7, pp. 74–89.
Liviatan N., Cukierman A. The Dynamics of Optimal Gradual Stabilization, " The World Bank Economic Review, 1992, 6, pp. 439–458.
Liviatan N., Leiderman L. Comparing Macroeconomic Performance Before and After Disinflation in Israel/L. Liederman//Inflation and Disinflation — The University of Chicago Press, 1993