Даниленко, Андрей Иванович

Андрей Иванович Даниленко
Дата рождения 1960[1]
Род деятельности лингвист, филолог, преподаватель университета
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Андрей Иванович Даниленко (Andriy Danylenko; род. 1960) — украинско-американский филолог-славист, полный профессор кафедры современных языков и культур Университета Пейс (Нью-Йорк). Член Харьковского историко-филологического общества. Исследователь, библиограф и переводчик языковедческих работ Ю. Шевелева. Член многих европейских и американских профессиональных и украинских обществ. Активный критик «политического русинства» и попыток создать русинский литературный язык, отдельный от украинского.


Окончил в 1982 г. Харьковский университет. В 1987—1990 гг. учился в аспирантуре (общее языкознание) Московского Университета Дружбы народов. Окончил докторантуру (1993—1996) при Харьковском государственном (теперь — национальном) педагогическом университете им. Г. С. Сковороды. С 1999 живёт и работает в Нью-Йорке. Полный профессор кафедры иностранных языков и культур в Университете Пейс (Нью-Йорк), сотрудник Украинского Научного Института при Гарвардском университете. Соискатель престижных научных стипендий США (им. Фулбрайта — дважды и им. Юджина и Даймлер Шкляр) и Японии (Славянского исследовательского центра при Хоккайдский университете, Японского научного общества). Стажировался в Венском университете (1994, 1996), Институте славистики Польской академии наук (1996), Колумбийском университете (1999), Гарвардском университете, 1997, 2008), Хоккайдском университете (2009, 2013), Варшавском университете (2016).

Исследует историю украинского и других славянских языков, проблемы индоевропейского и ареально-типологического языкознания, вопросы славянского этногенеза, культурно-культурных взаимоотношений славян с мусульманским миром, историю украинского литературного языка. Автор многочисленных трудов по славянскому языкознанию и украинистики.

Член редколлегии журналов «Українська мова», «Часопіс Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўниверситэта. Філалогія» и других изданий Сербии, Польши и Украины. Основатель и главный редактор научной серии Studies in Slavic, Baltic, and Eastern European Languages and Cultures (Lexington Books, US).



  • Slavic on the Language Map of Europe: Historical and Areal-Typological Dimensions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 333). Ed. by Andrii Danylenko and Motoki Nomachi, Introduction by Andrii Danylenko, Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter/Mouton, 498 pp.
  • From the Bible to Shakespeare: Pantelejmon Kuliš (1819—1897) and the Formation of Literary Ukrainian. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2016.
  • Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Slavic languages: Proceedings from the 36th meeting of the Commission on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages of the International Committee of Slavists (Die Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände, Sborniki, vol. 55), Munich, Berlin, Washington, DC: Otto Sagner, 436.
  • Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Kultur bei den Slaven. Gedenkschrift für George Y. Shevelov aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstages und 10. Todestages (співредактор) Die Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände, Sborniki, vol. 42 (München: Verlag Otto Wagner, 2012), xliv+520.
  • Slavica et Islamica: Ukrainian in Context, München: Verlag Otto Sagner, XVIII, 2006, 460 S. (Sagners Slavistische Sammlung, vol. 31).
    Reviews: Jan Fellerer, ‘A new book on aspects of East Slavonic and Ukrainian philology’, in: Palaeoslavica XV (2) (2007), 295—306.
  • Volodymyr Vynnychenko: In Quest of Aesthetic, Individual, and Civic Harmony. Essays. New York: The Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., Inc. (co-editor), 2005, 279 pp
  • Предикати, відмінки і діатези в українській мові: історичні і типологічні аспекти. Харків: Око, 2003, 512 с.
  • George Y. Shevelov: Bibliographical Materials (with L. Chaban), Introductory articles by Andrii Danylenko and Eleonora Solovey, New York: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., Inc., National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1998, 199 pp.
  • Essays on Ukrainian Orthography and Language: Proceedings of The Sixteenth Annual Conference on Ukrainian Subjects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 20-25, 1997 (co-editor). L’viv; New York: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Inc., 1997, 233 pp
  • Ukrainian (with S. Vakulenko). München, Newcastle: Lincom Europa (=Languages of the world: Materials 05), 1995, 65 pp.

Отдельные публикации

  • Pro movu Kulisha i Kulish pro movu [On the Language of Kulish and Kulish on Language], Zbirnyk Kharkivs’koho istoryko-filolohichnoho tovarystva 16, Lhariv, 71-98.
  • Linguistic Russification in Russian Ukraine: languages, imperial models, and policies (in co-authorship with Halyna Naienko), Russian Linguistics 43/1 (2019), 19-39
  • Complexity development and simplification in systemic typology: types of changes in the internal determinant, Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 135 (2018), 113—129
  • The correlation of linguistic patterning and societal structures in systemic typology, Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 135 (2018), 81-96
  • The Arabs, the Slavs, and United Europe or, the vagaries of the development of Indo-European perfect, Lingua 203 (2018), 16-26
  • A Missing Chain: On the Sociolinguistics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Acta Baltico-Slavica 41 (2017), 31-57
  • Balkanisms and Carpathianisms or, Carpathian Balkanisms? in: Danylenko, Andrii and Motoki Nomachi (eds.), Slavic on the Language Map of Europe: Historical and Areal- Typological Dimensions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 333), Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter/Mouton, 2019, 347—383.
  • Searching for a place of Slavic in Europe as a linguistic are, in: Danylenko, Andrii and Motoki Nomachi (eds.), Slavic on the Language Map of Europe: Historical and Areal- Typological Dimensions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 333), Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter/Mouton, 2019, 1-17.
  • Contact-induced grammaticalization in Slavic: Evidence from «low-contact» languages, in: Christina Y. Bethin (ed.), American Contributions to the 16th International Congress of Slavists, Belgrade, August 2018, vol. 1: Linguistics, Bloomington, IN, 2018, 45-65.
  • A Tale of Two Pathways: On the Development of Relative Clause Chaining in East Slavonic, in: Grković-Major, Jasmina, Björn Hansen, and Barbara Sonnenhauser (eds.), Diachronic Slavonic Syntax, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018, 361—386
  • «On the development of the nominative with the infinitive in Baltic and Slavic. From Oleksander Popov (1855—1880) to Vytautas Ambrazas unbekannterweise,» Pietro Dini (ed.), Incontri Baltistici in Pisa. Studi e saggi II. Studia Baltica Pisana. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2018, 11-38
  • Aleksandr Popov (1855—1880) and the Reconstruction of Indo-European Noun Inflection. Language and History 59 (2) (2016), 112—130 
  • Iazychie and Surzhyk: Mixing Languages and Identities in the Ukrainian Borderlands, in: Kamusella, Tomasz, Nomachi, Motoki, and Catherine Gibson (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders. Palgrave Macmillan, 81-100
  • How Many Varieties of Standard Ukrainian Does One Need? Die Welt der Slaven 60/2 (2015), 223-47
  • On the Mechanisms of the Grammaticalization of Comitative and Instrumental Categories in Slavic, Journal of Historical Linguistics 5/2 (2015), 267—296 
  • The chicken or the egg? Onomatopoeic particles and verbs in Lithuanian and East Slavic, in Arkadiev, Peter, Holvoet, Axel, and Björn Wiemer (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Baltic Linguistics, Berlin, etc.: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 276), 523—542
  • Between an Imagined Language and a Codified Dialect, Acta Slavica Iaponica 35 (2014), 135-45 
  • On the Relativization Strategies in East Slavic, in: Nomachi, Motoki, Andrii Danylenko, and Predrag Piper (eds.), Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Slavic languages: Proceedings from the 36th meeting of the Commission on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages of the International Committee of Slavists, Munich: Otto Sagner, 183—204
  • Ukrainian in the Language Map of Central Europe: Questions of Areal-Typological Profiling, Journal of Language Contact 6/1 (2013), 134-59 
  • Auxiliary Clitics in Southwest Ukrainian: Questions of Chronology, Areal Distribution, and Grammaticalization, Journal of Slavic Linguistics 20/1 (2012), 3-34 
  • Mykola Khanenko: «With a dispatch of seven cucumbers fresh…»: A case study of linguistic mentality in the eighteenth-century Hetmanate, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 29/1-4 (2007): Ukrainian Philology and Linguistics in the Twenty-first Century, ed. by Michael S. Flier, 225-56
  • Linguistic and cultural border crossings in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania or, can the Grand Duchy of Lithuania be defined as a Sprachareal? in Petit, Daniel (ed.), Langues baltiques, langues slaves, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2011, 141-73
  • Is there any inflectional future in East Slavic? A case of Ukrainian against Romance reopened", in Nomachi, Motoki (ed.), Grammaticalization in Slavic Languages, Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2011, 147-77
  • "The Ukrainian Bible and the Valuev circular of 18 July 1863, Acta Slavica Iaponica 28/1 (2010), 1-21
  • The Holy Gospels in Vernacular Ukrainian: Antin Kobyljans’kyj (1874, 1877) vs. Pantelejmon Kuliš (1871), Die Welt der Slaven 55/1 (2010), 83-104
  • Myxajlo Lučkaj — a dissident forerunner of literary Rusyn?, Slavonic and East European Review 87/2 (2009), 201-26 
  • The formation of New Standard Ukrainian: from the history of an undeclared contest between Right- and Left-Bank Ukraine in the 18th century, Die Welt der Slaven 53/1 (2008), 82-115
  • The new Ukrainian standard language (1798) — between tradition and innovation, in Bethin, Christina Y. (ed.), American Contributions to the 14th Congress of Slavists in Ohrid, Macedonia, 2008, vol. 1: Linguistics, Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2008, 59-74 
  • The Uniate Catechism of 1722: a case of regional relapse from script- to language-switching, Slavia Orientalis 56/4 (2007), 543-57 
  • The Germans (nĕmci) in medieval Arabic records, Palaeoslavica 14/2 (2006), 347-57 
  • Is there any possessive perfect in North Russian? WORD 56/3 (2005), 347-79
  • "The name Rus’. In search of a new dimension, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 52/1 (2004), 1-32 
  • Nurmane, Varjagi and other peoples in the cosmography of the Primary Chronicle, Byzantinoslavica 62 (2004), 1-34
  • On the names of the prostaja mova in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Studia Slavica Hung. 51 (1-2), 2006, 97-121.
  • On the language of early Lithuanian Tatar manuscripts or, have Lithuanian Tatars ever written in Ukrainian?, The Slavonic and East European Review 84 (2), 2006, 201—236.
  • Prostaja Mova, Kitab, and Polissian Standard, Die Welt der Slaven, 51, 2006, 80-115
  • The East Slavic ‘HAVE’: revising a developmental scenario, in Jones-Bley, K. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference; Los Angeles, November 9-10, 2001, Washington: Institute for the Study of Man, 2002, 105-27 (Journal of Indo-European Studies. Monograph Series, 44).
  • The names of the Dnieper Rapids in Constantine Porphyrogenitus revisited, Die Welt der Slaven 46/1 (2001), 43-62
  • The Genitive of agent and the Instrumental of means in Old Ukrainian: an old idea worth revising?, General Linguistics 37/1-2 (2000 [1997]), 41-70
  • O wzdłużeniu zastępczym w języku polskim, Bulletin de la Société Polonaise de Linguistique 54 (1998), 205-19



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