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Об экономическом термине см. Первородный грех (экономика). ХристианствоБиблия Ветхий Завет Новый Завет Евангелие Десять заповедей Нагорная проповедь Апокрифы Бог, Троица Бог Отец Иисус Христос Святой Дух История христианства Апостолы Хронология христианства Ран�...


Nama ini menggunakan cara penamaan Spanyol: nama keluarga pertama atau paternalnya adalah Porro dan nama keluarga kedua atau maternalnya adalah Sauceda. Pedro Porro Informasi pribadiNama lengkap Pedro Antonio Porro Sauceda[1]Tanggal lahir 13 September 1999 (umur 24)Tempat lahir Don Benito, SpainTinggi 176 m (577 ft 5 in)Posisi bermain Right back / WingerInformasi klubKlub saat ini Tottenham Hotspur (Pinjaman Dari Sporting CP )Nomor 23Karier junior2008–2015 G...


Pinus Huangshan Pinus Huangshan di Pegunungan Huang Status konservasi Risiko Rendah (IUCN 3.1)[1] Klasifikasi ilmiah Genus: Pinus Spesies: hwangshanensis Sinonim[2] Pinus luchuensis subsp. hwangshanensis (W.Y.Hsia) D.Z.Li Pinus luchuensis var. hwangshanensis (W.Y.Hsia) C.L.Wu Pinus luchuensis var. shenkanensis Silba Pinus hwangshanensis atau Tusam Huangshan,[3] adalah pinus endemik di pegunungan dan gunung yang ada di bagian timur Tiongkok yaitu di Provinsi Anhui...

Chevrolet Astro (première génération) Chevrolet Astro (deuxième génération) La Chevrolet Astro est une camionnette de la marque Chevrolet. Il a été conçu en 1985 pour rivaliser les marques américaines concurrentes telles que les Dodge Caravan ou les Plymouth Voyager, ainsi que les japonais avec leur Toyota MasterAce. Le châssis de l'Astro est le même que le GMC Safari. En plus des utilisations standards de tourisme, les camionnettes sont également disponibles en fourgonnettes. Co...


Voce principale: Football Club Crotone. F.C. CrotoneStagione 2006-2007Sport calcio Squadra Crotone Allenatore Elio Gustinetti (1ª-21ª; 23ª) Guido Carboni (22ª; 24ª-42ª) All. in seconda Carlo Cimicata[1] Presidente Raffaele Vrenna Serie B21º posto (retrocesso in Serie C1) Coppa Italia3° turno Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Sedivec (37) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Cariello, Sedivec (6) StadioStadio Ezio Scida 2005-2006 2007-2008 Si invita a seguire il modello di voce Questa...


Genus of bacteria Nitrobacter TEM image of Nitrobacter winogradskyi strain Nb-255 Scientific classification Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Pseudomonadota Class: Alphaproteobacteria Order: Hyphomicrobiales Family: Nitrobacteraceae Genus: NitrobacterWinogradsky 1892 Type species Nitrobacter winogradskyi Species N. alkalicus N. hamburgensis N. vulgaris N. winogradskyi Nitrobacter is a genus comprising rod-shaped, gram-negative, and chemoautotrophic bacteria.[1] The name Nitrobacter derives fro...

Biviofrazione Bivio – VedutaBivio con la vista di Piz Lagrev, Piz Julier e la strada del passo del Giulio LocalizzazioneStato Svizzera Cantone Grigioni RegioneAlbula ComuneSurses TerritorioCoordinate46°28′12″N 9°39′05″E / 46.47°N 9.651389°E46.47; 9.651389 (Bivio)Coordinate: 46°28′12″N 9°39′05″E / 46.47°N 9.651389°E46.47; 9.651389 (Bivio) Altitudine1 769 m s.l.m. Superficie76,73 km² Abitanti189 (2014) ...


Indonesian sweet cassava snack GethukPlace of originIndonesiaRegion or stateJava in Indonesia, also popular in Southeast AsiaMain ingredientsCassava, coconut, sugar  Media: Gethuk Gethuk lindri or sweet cassava snack from Java. The shape is different from other types of gethuk. Gethuk is an Indonesian-Javanese dish made from cassava.[1] The cassava is peeled, boiled and mashed. Then it is mixed with grated coconut, sugar and small amounts of salt. Sugar can also be replaced w...


この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方)出典検索?: コルク – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2017年4月) コルクを打ち抜いて作った瓶の栓 コルク(木栓、�...

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento centri abitati della Spagna non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Berrocalejocomune Berrocalejo – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Spagna Comunità autonoma Estremadura Provincia Cáceres TerritorioCoordinate39°49′12″N 5°21′01.08″W ...


この項目には、一部のコンピュータや閲覧ソフトで表示できない文字が含まれています(詳細)。 数字の大字(だいじ)は、漢数字の一種。通常用いる単純な字形の漢数字(小字)の代わりに同じ音の別の漢字を用いるものである。 概要 壱万円日本銀行券(「壱」が大字) 弐千円日本銀行券(「弐」が大字) 漢数字には「一」「二」「三」と続く小字と、「壱」「�...


PS SuccessState Library of SA: [B 63241/40] History Australia NameSuccess OwnerWestwood & Air (first owners) OperatorG.B. Air RouteRiver Murray, Australia Laid down1877 Out of service1957 HomeportMildura, Australia FateWreck StatusRestoration project[1] General characteristics Length82 ft 1 in (25.02 m) Beam16 ft 2 in (4.93 m) Draught5 ft 11 in (1.80 m) PropulsionSteam NotesData compiled from several sources[2][3] PS Su...

「アプリケーション」はこの項目へ転送されています。英語の意味については「wikt:応用」、「wikt:application」をご覧ください。 この記事には複数の問題があります。改善やノートページでの議論にご協力ください。 出典がまったく示されていないか不十分です。内容に関する文献や情報源が必要です。(2018年4月) 古い情報を更新する必要があります。(2021年3月)出...


此條目翻譯品質不佳。 (2023年11月2日)翻譯者可能不熟悉中文或原文語言,也可能使用了機器翻譯。請協助翻譯本條目或重新編寫,并注意避免翻译腔的问题。明顯拙劣的翻譯請改掛{{d|G13}}提交刪除。 玻利維亞多民族國Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia 國旗 国徽 格言:團結就是力量西班牙語:La Unión es la Fuerza!国歌:Himno Nacional del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia《玻利维亚国歌》首都 蘇�...


Anastasia RusskikhRusskikh at the Yonex Open Japan 2009Informasi pribadiNama lahirAnastasia Vladimirovna RusskikhKebangsaan RusiaLahir20 Mei 1983 (umur 41)Gatchina, USSRTinggi165 m (541 ft 4 in)PeganganKananGanda putri dan campuranPeringkat tertinggi3 (WD) 2 Desember 201029 (XD) 21 Januari 2010 Rekam medali Bulu tangkis Mewakili  Rusia European Championships 2010 Manchester Women's doubles European Junior Championships 1999 Glasgow Mixed team 1999 Glasgow Mixed d...

In graph theory, edges incident/directed between the same vertices Multiple edges joining two vertices. In graph theory, multiple edges (also called parallel edges or a multi-edge), are, in an undirected graph, two or more edges that are incident to the same two vertices, or in a directed graph, two or more edges with both the same tail vertex and the same head vertex. A simple graph has no multiple edges and no loops. Depending on the context, a graph may be defined so as to either allow or ...


石坂 洋次郎(いしざか ようじろう) 1956年誕生 1900年1月25日青森県弘前市死没 (1986-10-07) 1986年10月7日(86歳没) 日本 静岡県伊東市吉田風越墓地 多磨霊園職業 小説家言語 日本語国籍 日本最終学歴 慶応義塾大学国文科代表作 『若い人』(1933年 - 1937年)『麦死なず』(1936年)『青い山脈』(1947年)『陽のあたる坂道』(1956年 - 1957年)『あいつと私』(1961年)『光る海...


Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty House of ValoisArms of County of ValoisParent houseCapetian dynastyCountry Kingdom of France (1328-1589) Duchy of Burgundy (1361-1482) Kingdom of Naples (1389-1399, 1435-1442, 1501-1504) Duchy of Milan (1499-1512, 1515-1521) Duchy of Brittany (1514-1547) Principality of Neuchâtel (1543-1707 through illegitimate branch) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1573-1575) Founded1284FounderCharles, Count of ValoisFinal rulerHenry III of France in France Marie de Nem...

Hyderabad Open 2004Sport Tennis Data16 febbraio – 22 febbraio Edizione2a SuperficieCemento CampioniSingolare Nicole Pratt Doppio Liezel Huber / Sania Mirza 2003 2005 L'Hyderabad Open 2004 è stato un torneo di tennis giocato sul cemento. È stata la 2ª edizione dell'Hyderabad Open, che fa parte della categoria Tier IV nell'ambito del WTA Tour 2004. Si è giocato nella città indiana di Hyderabad dal 16 al 22 febbraio. Indice 1 Campionesse 1.1 Singolare 1.2 Doppio 2 Collegamenti esterni Cam...


Office in the pre-1801 Irish Parliament The Irish House of Commons in session under Speaker Pery. The Speaker of the Irish House of Commons was the presiding officer of the Irish House of Commons until its disestablishment in 1800. In the absence of a government chosen from and answerable to the Commons, the Speaker was the dominant political figure in the Parliament of Ireland. Unlike in modern British and Irish parliamentary practice, the Speaker was not expected to be politically impartial...