filozof stage magician[*][[stage magician (entertainer who performs magic by creating the illusion of impossible or supernatural feats)|]] scriitor iluzionist[*]
Sunday school[*][[Sunday school (religious educational institution)|]]
MacArthur Fellows Program[*][[MacArthur Fellows Program (prizes awarded annually by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)|]] ()[1] Richard Dawkins Award[*][[Richard Dawkins Award (award given to individuals that raised public consciousness of atheism)|]] () Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry[*][[Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (elected Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry)|]] Heinz Oberhummer Award für Wissenschaftskommunikation[*][[Heinz Oberhummer Award für Wissenschaftskommunikation (Award for Science Communication)|]] ()[2] Joseph A. Burton Forum Award[*][[Joseph A. Burton Forum Award (award established in 1974, presented by the American Physical Society)|]] ()[3]
Și-a început cariera ca magician, cunoscut sub numele de scenă The Amazing Randi, pentru ca mai apoi, la vârsta de 60 de ani, să se dedice investigării fenomenelor pretinse „supranaturale”, devenind un adevărat demistificator.
Astfel, a pus bazele fundației James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), care oferea 1.000.000 $ celui care poate dovedi că deține puteri paranormale. Nimeni nu a reușit sa treacă nici măcar de testele preliminare.