Pela ordem das histórias ficcionais (não pela ordem pelo qual foram escritas).[2]
Sackett's Land – Barnabas Sackett
To the Far Blue Mountains – Barnabas Sackett
The Warrior's Path – Kin Ring Sackett
Jubal Sackett – Jubal Sackett, Itchakomi Ishai
Ride the River – Echo Sackett (Aunt to Orrin, Tyrel, and William Tell Sackett)
The Daybreakers – Orrin and Tyrel Sackett, Cap Rountree, Tom Sunday
Lando – Orlando Sackett, the Tinker
Sackett – William Tell Sackett, Cap Rountree, Angie
Mojave Crossing – William Tell Sackett
The Sackett Brand – William Tell Sackett, and the whole passel of Sacketts!
The Sky-liners – Flagan and Galloway Sackett
The Lonely Men – William Tell Sackett
Mustang Man – Nolan Sackett
Galloway – Galloway and Flagan Sackett
Treasure Mountain – William Tell and Orrin Sackett, the Tinker
Ride the Dark Trail – Logan Sackett, Em Talon (born a Sackett)
Lonely on the Mountain – William Tell, Orrin and Tyrel Sackett (They go on a mission to help Logan Sackett)
Existem também dois contos relacionados com Sackett:
The Courting of Griselda (disponível em End of the Drive)
Booty for a Badman (publicado originalmente no Saturday Evening Post de 30 de Julho de 1960;[3] available in War Party)
Os Sacketts estão também envolvidos are no enredo de outros 7 romances:
Bendigo Shafter (Ethan Sackett)
Dark Canyon (William Tell Sackett)
Borden Chantry (Joe Sackett, killed in ambush that B Chantry solves murder, and Tyrel Sackett)
Passin' Through (Parmalee Sackett is mentioned as defending a main character in the book)
Son of a Wanted Man (Tyrel Sackett)
Catlow (Ben Cowhan marries a cousin of Tyrel Sackett’s wife)
Man from the Broken Hills (Em Talon a main character in this book was in fact born a Sackett. Mentions William Tell Sackett)
Romances Talon
Rivers West
The Man from the Broken Hills (Em Talon nasceu Sackett. Ela é a mãe da personagem principal.)
Milo Talon (É um primo dos Sacketts através da sua mãe, Em Talon)
Romances Chantry
Fair Blows the Wind (o primeiro Chantry)
The Ferguson Rifle
Borden Chantry
North to the Rails (Tom Chantry, filho de Borden Chantry)
Over on the Dry Side
Colecção Kilkenny
The Rider of Lost Creek (1976), expandido a partir do conto publicado na edição de Abril de 1947 da West magazine, sob o pseudónimo de "Jim Mayo".[3]
A Man Called Trent (1946)
The Mountain Valley War (1978), expandido da novella A Man Called Trent, publicada originalmente na edição de Dezembro de 1947 da West magazine, também sob o pseudónimo de "Jim Mayo".[3]A Man Called Trent is included in the short story collection The Rider of the Ruby Hills (1986)
Kilkenny (1954)
A Gun for Kilkenny é um conto com Kilkenny como uma personagem menor, da colectânea Dutchman's Flat (1986).
Monument Rock é uma novella na colectânea de histórias com o mesmo nome.
Colecção Hopalong Cassidy
Originally published under the pseudonym "Tex Burns". Louis L'Amour was commissioned to write four Hopalong Cassidy books in the spring and summer of 1950 by Doubleday's Double D Western imprint. They were the first novels he ever had published and he denied writing them until the day he died, refusing to sign any of them that fans would occasionally bring to his autograph sessions. His reason to his young son for doing this was, "I wrote some books. I just did it for the money, and my name didn't go on them. So now, when people ask me if they were mine, I say no." When his son asked if this was not lying he said, "I just wrote them for hire. They weren't my books."