Erico Spinadel (6 de Maio de 1929, Viena, Áustria — 25 de fevereiro de 2020) foi um engenheiro industrial austríaco e argentino especializado em Energia Eólica. Obteve seu PhD na Universidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina, em 2004. [1]
Erico Spinadel participou em 1956 da Comissão Nacional Argentino de Energia Atômica (CNEA) sendo que, em janeiro de 1959, foi a primeira operador a conduzir de um reator nuclear (RA 1) para condições críticas, e, desta forma, iniciou o uso da energia nuclear no hemisfério sul, a produção de electricidade e a produção de radioisótopos, também para hospitais e para aplicações industriais. [2] Entre 1994 e 2001, estava como consultor e Professor Catedrático da Universidade de Buenos Aires, Escola de Engenharia, Argentina. [3] De 1986 a 1994 foi Diretor da eletricidade projetada, Departamento da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade de Buenos Aires, FIUBA. [4] Desde 1994, como Professor Emérito, é consultor na Universidade Nacional de Luján, Argentina. [5]
Em 1994, projetou a “Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica” (AAEE), atuando como presidente da Associação. [6] Desde 2008, é Diretor Regional da “American Wind Energy Association Latin” (LAWEA). [7] É Membro do Conselho da Associação Mundial de Energia Eólica. [8]
É consultor de Energia Eólica para o Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (UNIDO-ONUDI) desde 1992. Realizou, por convite, missões nos governos da Indonésia e do Extremo Oriente. [9]
O Dr. Erico Spinadel é um líder no campo da Energia Eólica[10] na pesquisa de uma abordagem sistêmica multidisciplinar para os países em desenvolvimento, tendo amplo reconhecimento internacional. É o autor de mais de 7 livros e publicou mais de 50 trabalhos de pesquisa. [11]
Electrical and Magnetic Circuits and Special Topics, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 950-0088-01-0, 1982
Transformers, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 950-9088-09-9, 1984
Electrical and Magnetic Circuits and Special Topics, 2nd expanded and revised edition, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 987-1104-25-1, 2004
Transformers, 2nd expanded and revised edition, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 987-1104-14-6, 2004
Wind Energy Systemic Multidisciplinary Approach, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 987-1104-74-1, 2009
Wind Energy Systemic Multidisciplinary Approach 2, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 987-1871-31-7, 2015
Artigos científicos
Wind energy; Suggested possibilities for the Republic Argentina. Journal of engineering military year 5 No. 9. Author: E. Spinadel. PG.: 86-91. Registration of intellectual property 302506. SSN: 0326-5560, 1989
Wind energy: farms or isolated points? Military engineering year 6 No. 10. Authors: E. Spinadel and C. Moon Pont. PG.: 66-70. Registration of intellectual property 302506. SSN: 0326-5560, 1990
Wind Diesel Project in El Cuy, Argentine Patagonia – European Community Conference on Wind Energy Proceedings - ECWEC '90. Authors: E. Spinadel and C. Luna Pont. Pg. 49-54. ISBN 0-9510271-8-2, 1990
Why do I say "Yes" now? Wind farms in Patagonia. Proceedings European Community Wind Energy Conference, ECWEC'93. Authors: E. Spinadel, C. Luna Pont, G. Dutt. Pg. 118-131. ISBN 0-9521452-0-0. Professor E. Spinadel was a member of the Scientific Committee, 1993
Argentina Technology for Developing Countries commissioned by International Organism. Military Engineering magazine, Year 12, N°27. Author: E. Spinadel. Pg.: 34-36. Copyright Registry 124635. SSN: 0326-5560, 1995
Aeolic-Electric Energy generated in the Patagonia transmitted to consumption centers following the hydrogen energy vector. Military Engineering magazine, Year 12, N°28. Author: E. Spinadel. Pg.: 30-36. Copyright Registry 124635. SSN: 0326-5560, 1996
Aeolic-Electric Energy generated in the Patagonia transmitted to consumption centers following the hydrogen energy vector. Environment and Society magazine, N°3, 1996, CONAPAS. Authors: E. Spinadel, F. Gamallo y S. L. Gracia Nuñez. Pg.: 8-13. Copyright Registry 666267, 1996
About the proper use of aids. Windpower Magazine, vol.12 n°11, Denmark. Author: E. Spinadel. Pg.: 4. ISSN 0109-7318, 1996
The Transmission of Electric Energy Generated in Wind Farms in the Argentine Patagonia to the Consumption Centers using the Hydrogen Vector. Proceedings of EUWEC'96, Göteborg, Sweeden, May. Authors: E. Spinadel, S. L. Gracia Nuñez, F. Gamallo. Pg. 472-475. ISBN 0-9521452-9-4. Author E. Spinadel was member of the Scientific Committee, 1996
Wind Power Generators designed for Weak and Moderate Wind Conditions. Proceedings of European Union Wind Energy Conference, EUWEC'96. May. Authors: E. Spinadel, F. Gamallo, P. Spinadel. Pg.: 329-332. ISBN 0-9521452-9-4, 1996
Wind Energy Export through Liquid Hydrogen. Military Engineering magazine, Year 14, N°32. January–April. Authors: E. Spinadel, F. Gamallo y S.L. Gracia Nuñez. Pg.: 14-16. Copyright Registry 669150. SSN: 0326-5560, 1997
Wind Energy Export through Liquid Hydrogen. Environment and Society magazine, Year 2, N°8. May. Authors: E. Spinadel y F. Gamallo. Pg.: 6-9. Copyright Registry 666267, 1997
Mathematical Model for Determining the Accumulated Hydrogen Reserve in Wind-Generated Electricity At Distant Sites. Proceedings of M&D'98, Second International Conference on Mathematics & Design 98, San Sebastián, Spain, June 1–4. Pg. 333-340. ISBN 84-600-9459-6. Authors: V. Spinadel, F. Gamallo, E. Spinadel, 1998
An Autonomous Wind-Hydrogen System for Electricity Services to Isolated Locations. Proceedings of XII World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, June 21–26 de 1998. Volume 1, Pg. 777-782. ISBN 987-97075-0-8. Authors: F. Menzl, E. Spinadel, 1998
Mathematical Model for determining the Accumulated Hydrogen Reserve in Wind-Generated Electricity at Distant Sites. Proceedings of XII World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, June 21–26. Volume 2. Pg.1719-1728. ISBN 987-97075-1-6. Authors: V. Spinadel, F. Gamallo, E. Spinadel, 1998
Patagonian Wind Exported as Liquid Hydrogen. Proceedings of XII World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, June 21–26, 1998. Volume 1. Pg. 369-376. ISBN 987-97075-3-2. Authors: E. Spinadel, F. Gamallo, S. Luis Gracia Nuñez, P. Spinadel, M. Cerviño, 1998
Make better use of Wind Energy Primary Source in Argentina. Part 1. Electrotechnical Argentina magazine, Volume LXXXIV, January–February. Pg 30-34. ISSN 0370-7857. Author: E. Spinadel, 1998
Make better use of Wind Energy Primary Source in Argentina. Part 2. Electrotechnical Argentina magazine, Volume LXXXIV, March–April. Pg 71-78.. ISSN 0370-7857. Author: E. Spinadel, 1998
Home electric Energy from hydrogen and fuel cells. Authors: E.Spinadel, S.L.Gracia Nuñez, J.Maislin, R.Wurster, F.Gamallo. MW magazine, No.228, April, Pg.s. 72-76. Copyright Registry 173449. ISSN 0025-8180, 2000
Defining Characteristics of a wind-electric Power Generator for Electrolyzes Alkaline. Authors: E.Alvarez, R.Class, J.Dalmaso, F.Gamallo, J.Maislin, E.Spinadel. Military Engineering Magazine, ISSN 0326-5560, Year 18, No.43, January–June., Pg: 36-37, 2001
Home electric Energy from hydrogen and fuel cells. Authors: E.Spinadel, J.Maislin, F.Gamallo. MW Magazine ISSN0325-352X, Year 24, No.242, June, Pg: 102-106, 2001
Socio-economic determiners for a greater efficient utilization of a primary Energy source in Argentina. Authors: E.Spinadel, F.Gamallo. Megavatios Magazine ISSN 0325-352X, year 24, No.242, June, Pg.: 120-142, 2001
Wind Power: a long-term investment. Author: E. Spinadel. Tecnoil Magazine RPI 324-856, year 23, Nº 232, October, Pg.: 54-60, 2001
Mathematical Model for Optimizing Sizes of "PEM" Fuel Cells in Combined Natural Gas and Electricity Energy Supply. Authors: F. Gamallo; J. Maislin; E. Spinadel; Vera W. de Spinadel. M&D2001, The Third International Conference, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. ISBN 0-7300-2526-8, Pg. 166 – 173, 2001
Advantages of decentralized electricity and heat supply for buildings, using fuel cells. Author: Erico Spinadel. Presented in Symmetry: Art & Science, Brussels, Belgium. ISSN1447-607X. Pg: 403-413, 2002
Wind Energy in Argentina, Legislation, Economical & Technical Aspects. The World Wind Energy Association. The 1st World Wind Energy Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2–6 July 2002. Authors: E. Spinadel, J. Gil, F. Gamallo. ISBN 3-936338-11-6. Ext: 5 Pg. Published on CD, 2002
An isolated wind-hydrogen system for the Martín García Island. 10º International Symposium REGWA, Nutzung Regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik, University of Applied Sciences of Stralsund, Stralsund, Germany, November 2003. Author: E. Spinadel. Pg. 138 - 143, ISBN 3-9807963-6-1, 2003
↑«Emeritus Professor». University of Buenos Aires, School of Engineering. Consultado em 31 de Maio de 2017
↑«Emeritus Professor»(PDF). University of Luján, Faculty of Technology. Consultado em 31 de Maio de 2017. Arquivado do original(PDF) em 30 de agosto de 2017