Via Dolorosa – cykl wierszy angielskiego poety i dramaturga Algernona Charlesa Swinburne’a[1], opublikowany w tomie Astrophel and Other Poems, wydanym w 1894. Cykl składa się z sonetu wstępnego Via Dolorosa i siedmiu kolejnych sonetów, zatytułowanych Transfiguration, Deliverance, Thanksgiving, Libitina Verticordia, The Order of Release, Psychagogos i The Last Word.
- The days of a man are threescore years and ten.
- The days of his life were half a man's, whom we
- Lament, and would yet not bid him back, to be
- Partaker of all the woes and ways of men.
- Life sent him enough of sorrow: not again
- Would anguish of love, beholding him set free,
- Bring back the beloved to suffer life and see
- No light but the fire of grief that scathed him then.
- We know not at all: we hope, and do not fear.
- We shall not again behold him, late so near,
- Who now from afar above, with eyes alight
- And spirit enkindled, haply toward us here
- Looks down unforgetful yet of days like night
- And love that has yet his sightless face in sight.
Algernon Charles Swinburne, Via Dolorosa