The Story of Judeth – utwór poetycki amerykańskiego prawnika, prozaika i poety Williama Vicarsa Lawrance’a[1], opublikowany w tomie The Story of Judeth: a Tale of Bethany, with Poems of Home, Heart, and Hearth wydanym w 1889 w Cambridge. Dzieło jest obszernym, liczącym 350 stron eposem w formie poematu dramatycznego, opartym na ewangelicznej opowieści o Łazarzu z Betanii. Zostało napisane parzyście rymowanym pentametrem jambicznym (dziesięciozgłoskowcem).
- And this the daylight, this the balmy air
- We call the source of life! How sweet, how fair,
- Are all created things of Nature! See,
- Where soars yon bird the ether light and free!
- It seems a mote floating afar and high,
- In this magnificently dreamy sky.
- I would not know it were a bird, but guess —
- If guessing were my mood, not seriousness —
- It were a knotted skein of gossamer
- Floating from thread intangible, afar,
- Yet anchored to the earth, save that now faint
- And throbbing through the air, more like a plaint
- From heart care-sore than note of joy, his song
- Floats downward to my ear.