The Story of Judeth (poemat dramatyczny Williama Vicarsa Lawrance’a)

The Story of Judeth – utwór poetycki amerykańskiego prawnika, prozaika i poety Williama Vicarsa Lawrance’a[1], opublikowany w tomie The Story of Judeth: a Tale of Bethany, with Poems of Home, Heart, and Hearth wydanym w 1889 w Cambridge. Dzieło jest obszernym, liczącym 350 stron eposem w formie poematu dramatycznego, opartym na ewangelicznej opowieści o Łazarzu z Betanii. Zostało napisane parzyście rymowanym pentametrem jambicznym (dziesięciozgłoskowcem).

And this the daylight, this the balmy air
We call the source of life! How sweet, how fair,
Are all created things of Nature! See,
Where soars yon bird the ether light and free!
It seems a mote floating afar and high,
In this magnificently dreamy sky.
I would not know it were a bird, but guess —
If guessing were my mood, not seriousness —
It were a knotted skein of gossamer
Floating from thread intangible, afar,
Yet anchored to the earth, save that now faint
And throbbing through the air, more like a plaint
From heart care-sore than note of joy, his song
Floats downward to my ear.


  1. William Vicars Lawrance (1834-1905), Ohio. [dostęp 2017-04-19]. (ang.).
