Specimens of the Hope of Albion; or, Edwin of Northumbria: An Epic Poem
Specimens of the Hope of Albion; or, Edwin of Northumbria: An Epic Poem – utwór poetycki angielskiego poety Johna Thelwalla[1], opublikowany w 1801[2]. Akcja poematu została osadzona w średniowieczu[3], w czasach anglosaskiej heptarchii[4]. Utwór został napisany wierszem białym (blank verse)[5][6]. Poeta stosuje też aliterację[7] (his wanderings and his woes).
Northumbria freed, and Edwin's patriot worth My verse records; his wanderings, and his woes, His martial ardour, and his faithful loves: How these, by powerful destiny, combin'd To form The Hero; who by virtue rose Superior to the fratricidal rage That fought his life, infatiate, and his youth Doom'd to disastrous exile; till arous'd To final effort, he their traitorous wiles Turn'd on the traitors' heads and, from the strife Of feuds and deadly factions, haply wrought A nation's bliss: whence union, wisdom, power, Spread thro' The Seven-fold Isle; and cheering lights Of Holy Truth and Liberty, and Laws.