Sonnets – tomik angielskiego polityka i poety Johna Hanmera (1809-1881)[1], opublikowany w 1840 w Londynie nakładem oficyny Edwarda Moxona. Zbiorek zawiera 59 utworów, w tym liryki England, America, Petrarca, Bertrand de Born, The Steam-Boat, Winter in the Riviera of Genoa, The Two Columns, The Widow of Ephesua, To the Fountain at Frascati, A Way-Side Landscape in Italy, Silence i To the Chartists, jak również The Millennium, Ciullo of Alcamo, Origin of New Languages, Chaucer, Romeo, Written on an Old Spanish Chronicle, Winter i The Spider.
- If any of the Araehnean race,
- Fat and well-filled be near, let him beware
- Of thee, old Spider; with such stealthy pace
- That travellest through the frore autumnal air:
- So fierce a hunger drives thee from thy lair,
- To feed like Ugolino on thy kind;
- Rapine is all before thee; and behind
- Thy broken web — that on its film doth bear
- Thick drops of cold uncomfortable dew,
- Like those which on the dying leaves are spread.
- The flies creep doors and window corners through;
- Gaunt are thy sides — no more by tree or shed,
- Can they that pensile; citadel renew,
- In which thy gluttonous youth so full was fed.
- (The Spider)
- John Hanmer: Sonnets. [dostęp 2017-04-15]. (ang.).
Linki zewnętrzne
- John Hanmer (1809-1881): Sonnets. [dostęp 2017-04-15]. (ang.).