New Year’s Day – sonet angielskiego poety Algernona Charlesa Swinburne’a[1][2][3][4], opublikowany w tomiku Poems and Ballads. Third Series, wydanym w Londynie w 1889 roku przez spółkę wydawniczą Chatto & Windus. Utwór realizuje model sonetu włoskiego. Jest napisany pentametrem jambicznym i rymuje się abba abba cde cde.
- New Year, be good to England. Bid her name
- Shine sunlike as of old on all the sea:
- Make strong her soul: set all her spirit free:
- Bind fast her homeborn foes with links of shame
- More strong than iron and more keen than flame:
- Seal up their lips for shame's sake: so shall she
- Who was the light that lightened freedom be,
- For all false tongues, in all men's eyes the same.
- O last-born child of Time, earth's eldest lord,
- God undiscrowned of godhead, who for man
- Begets all good and evil things that live,
- Do thou, his new-begotten son, implored
- Of hearts that hope and fear not, make thy span
- Bright with such light as history bids thee give.
Linki zewnętrzne
- Algernon Charles Swinburne: New Year’s Day. [dostęp 2017-03-21]. (ang.).
- Algernon Charles Swinburne: New Year’s Day. [dostęp 2017-03-21]. (ang.).