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Schwäbisch Gmünd Lambang kebesaranLetak Schwäbisch Gmünd NegaraJermanNegara bagianBaden-WürttembergWilayahStuttgartKreisOstalbkreisPemerintahan • Lord MayorRichard ArnoldLuas • Total113,78 km2 (4,393 sq mi)Ketinggian321 m (1,053 ft)Populasi (2005-12-31) • Total61.350 • Kepadatan5,4/km2 (14/sq mi)Zona waktuWET/WMPET (UTC+1/+2)Kode pos73525–73529Kode area telepon07171Pelat kendaraanAASitus webwww.schwaebis...


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Ini adalah nama Melayu; nama Maslan merupakan patronimik, bukan nama keluarga, dan tokoh ini dipanggil menggunakan nama depannya, Ahmad. Kata bin (b.) atau binti (bt.), jika digunakan, berarti putra dari atau putri dari. Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri HajiAhmad MaslanSMW DMSM APاحمد مسلن Wakil Menteri Pekerjaan Umum MalaysiaPetahanaMulai menjabat 12 Desember 2023Perdana MenteriAnwar IbrahimMenteriAlexander Nanta Linggi PendahuluAbdul Rahman MohamadPenggantiPetahanaWakil Menteri Keuanga...

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La V dinastia si inquadra nel periodo della storia dell'Antico Egitto detto Antico Regno e copre un arco di tempo dal 2500 a.C. al 2350 a.C.[1]. Indice 1 Cronologia 2 Note 3 Bibliografia 4 Voci correlate 5 Altri progetti 6 Collegamenti esterni Cronologia Nome Horo Lista di Abido Lista di Saqqara Canone Reale Manetone Periodo di regno Irmaat Userkaf Userkaf ...ka Userkheres 2500 a.C. - 2490 a.C. Nebkhau Sahura Sahura illeggibile Sephres 2490 a.C. - 2475 a.C. Userkhau Kakai Neferirkara ...


Sir Hector Maclean, 7th Baronet, 3rd Lord Maclean and 23rd Clan Chief23rd Clan Chief7th Baronet3rd Lord MacleanIn office1783-1818Preceded bySir Allan Maclean, 6th Baronet, cousinSucceeded bySir Fitzroy Jeffreys Grafton Maclean, 8th Baronet, half brother Personal detailsBornHector Macleanabout 1760Died2 November 1818(1818-11-02) (aged 58)Halfield, YorkshireParentDonald Maclean of BrolasRelativesSir Fitzroy Jeffreys Grafton Maclean, 8th Baronet, half brotherDonald MacLean, 1st Laird of Br...

2024 United States House of Representatives elections in Utah ← 2022 November 5, 2024 2026 → All 4 Utah seats to the United States House of Representatives   Party Republican Democratic Last election 4 0 Elections in Utah Federal government Presidential elections 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 Presidential primaries Democratic 2...


この項目には、一部のコンピュータや閲覧ソフトで表示できない文字が含まれています(詳細)。 数字の大字(だいじ)は、漢数字の一種。通常用いる単純な字形の漢数字(小字)の代わりに同じ音の別の漢字を用いるものである。 概要 壱万円日本銀行券(「壱」が大字) 弐千円日本銀行券(「弐」が大字) 漢数字には「一」「二」「三」と続く小字と、「壱」「�...


此条目序言章节没有充分总结全文内容要点。 (2019年3月21日)请考虑扩充序言,清晰概述条目所有重點。请在条目的讨论页讨论此问题。 哈萨克斯坦總統哈薩克總統旗現任Қасым-Жомарт Кемелұлы Тоқаев卡瑟姆若马尔特·托卡耶夫自2019年3月20日在任任期7年首任努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫设立1990年4月24日(哈薩克蘇維埃社會主義共和國總統) 哈萨克斯坦 哈萨克斯坦政府...

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Cocor bebek Kalanchoe pinnata TumbuhanJenis buahkapsul TaksonomiDivisiTracheophytaSubdivisiSpermatophytesKladAngiospermaeKladmesangiospermsKladeudicotsKladcore eudicotsOrdoSaxifragalesFamiliCrassulaceaeSubfamiliKalanchoideaeGenusKalanchoeBagianKalanchoe sect. BryophyllumSpesiesKalanchoe pinnata Pers., 1805 Tata namaBasionimCotyledon pinnata lbs Cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata) adalah tanaman hias yang berasal dari Genus Kalanchoe. Tanaman ini terkenal karena metode reproduksinya melalui t...


В статье есть список источников, но не хватает сносок. Без сносок сложно определить, из какого источника взято каждое отдельное утверждение. Вы можете улучшить статью, проставив сноски на источники, подтверждающие информацию. Сведения без сносок могут быть удалены. (12 ок�...

This article is part of a series onPolitics of the European Union Member states (27) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Candidate countries Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Ge...


This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (June 2019) Line of servers by Lenovo ThinkServerDeveloperLenovoTypeDesktop (T###) orRack-mounted (R###) serverRelease date2008Discontinued2017PredecessorIBM eServer xSeriesSuccessorLenovo ThinkSystem ThinkSystem is a family of Intel servers from Lenovo. ThinkSystem products are designed to work with existing infrastructure and adapt to workloads. They are designed to pro...


Часть серии статей о ХолокостеИдеология и политика Расовая гигиена Расовый антисемитизм Нацистская расовая политика Нюрнбергские расовые законы Шоа Лагеря смерти Белжец Дахау Майданек Малый Тростенец Маутхаузен Освенцим Собибор Треблинка Хелмно Юнгфернхоф Ясеновац...

Stephanie Mawuli馬瓜ステファニーMawuli pada 2019No. 33 – Toyota AntelopesPosisiC/FLigaLiga Basket Putri Asia, FIBA 3X3Informasi pribadiLahir25 November 1998 (umur 25)Toyohashi, AichiKebangsaan JepangTinggi5 ft 11 in (1,80 m)Berat172 pon (78 kg)Informasi karierSekolah menengah atas Oka Gakuen (Shōwa-ku, Nagoya) Karier bermain2017–sekarangRiwayat karier2017-kiniToyota Antelopes Prestasi dan pencapaian karier Juara Perguruan Tinggi Jepang (...


Population distribution in Brazil. Brazil has a high level of urbanization with 87.8%[1] of the population residing in urban and metropolitan areas. The criteria used by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)[2] in determining whether households are urban or rural, however, are based on political divisions, not on the developed environment. Nowadays, the country has 5,570 cities, with 5,568 municipalities plus the capital (Brasília) and the Island of Fern...


القديسغريغوريوس المستنير (بالأرمنية: Գրիգոր Լուսավորիչ)‏  لوحة فسيفسائية للقديس غريغوريوس في كنيسة باماكاريستوس (جامع الفاتحية حاليًا)، إسطنبول معلومات شخصية الميلاد سنة 252   أرمينيا  تاريخ الوفاة سنة 329 (76–77 سنة)[1]  [2]   تولى المنصب302  الحياة العم...

Voce principale: Sportverein Meppen 1912. Sportverein Meppen 1912Stagione 1995-1996Sport calcio Squadra Meppen Allenatore Horst Ehrmantraut (1ª-25ª) Paul Linz (26ª-34ª) 2. Bundesliga10º posto Coppa di GermaniaSecondo turno Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Myyry (31)Totale: Myyry (33) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Vorholt (7)Totale: Vorholt (7) StadioEmslandstadion Maggior numero di spettatori13 500 vs. Wattenscheid Minor numero di spettatori4 500 vs. Hertha Berlino, Mannheim M...


سغورو الإحداثيات 36°24′06″N 28°12′20″E / 36.401666666667°N 28.205555555556°E / 36.401666666667; 28.205555555556   تقسيم إداري  البلد اليونان[1]  عدد السكان  عدد السكان 1188 (2001)807 (1991)1703 (2021)914 (2011)276 (1951)[2]  رمز جيونيمز 11525159  تعديل مصدري - تعديل   سغورو (Σγουρού) هي مدينة في دوديك�...