René Auguste Chouteau jr. (født 7. september1749 eller 26. september1750 i Nouvelle-Orléans i Fransk Louisiana[2], død 24. februar1829 i St. Louis i Missouri[3]), også kjent som Auguste Chouteau, var grunnlegger av St. Louis, og en fremgangsrik pelshandler og politiker. Han og hans partner hadde i mange år monopol på pelshandelen med den sttore osagestammen ved Missouri River. Dessuten hadde han en rekke forretningsinteresser i St. Louis og hadde gode forbindelse til de forskjellige herskere over landet mens han var aktiv: franske, spanske og amerikanske.
^Christian, 30. According to Shirley Christian, Chouteau's parents "baptized a son, whose name was listed only as Rene, on September 9, 1749. There is confusion as to whether this son was Auguste Chouteau or whether the first son died and a second son, Auguste, was born a year later. … Auguste Chouteau's birth date is listed in family records as September 26, 1750, but no baptismal record has been uncovered."
Beckwith, Paul Edmond. Creoles of St. Louis. St. Louis: Nixon-Jones, 1893.
Chouteau, Auguste. A Fragment of Col. Auguste Chouteau's Narrative of the Settlement of St. Louis. St. Louis: Knapp and Co., 1858.
Christian, Shirley. Before Lewis and Clark: The Story of the Chouteaus, the French Dynasty That Ruled America's Frontier. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.
Doherty, Kieran. Ranchers, Homesteaders and Traders: Frontiersmen of the South-Central States.
Foley, William E. The First Chouteaus: River Barons of St. Louis. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
Hoig, Stan. The Chouteaus, First Family of the Fur Trade. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2008.
Stevens, Walter Barlow. St. Louis: The Fourth City, 1764-1911. St. Louis: S.J. Clarke Co., 1911.