^ Morley, Vincent (2002): Irish opinion and the American Revolution, 1760–1783, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 4, Sitat på irsk: «Féach ár bpian le sé chéad bliain aige Gaill in éigean, gan rí dár rialadh de Ghaeil, mo chian, i ríoghacht Éireann». Og i engelsk oversettelse: «Consider our torment for six hundred years by violent foreigners, with no king of the Gaels ruling us, my grief, in the kingdom of Ireland.»
de Beaumont, Gustave & Taylor, William Cooke ([1839] 2006): Ireland Social, Political, and Religious, oversatt av William Cooke Taylor, bidrag fra Tom Garvin, Andreas Hess: Harvard University Press (opptrykk fra originalen fra 1839), ISBN 978-0-674-02165-5.
Pawlisch, Hans S. (2002): Sir John Davies and the Conquest of Ireland: A Study in Legal Imperialism, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-52657-9.