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My Old Kentucky Home ass déi offiziell Hymn vum US-Bundesstaat Kentucky. D'Lidd staamt vum Stephen Foster, deen et 1853 geschriwwen huet.
Éischt Strof a Refrain
The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home,
Tis summer, and people* are gay;
The corn-top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor
All merry, all happy and bright;
By'n by hard times comes a knocking at the door
Then my old Kentucky home, Good-night!
Weep no more my lady. Oh! Weep no more today!
We will sing one song for my old Kentucky home
For my old Kentucky home, far away.
- * am Original: "darkies"