↑"Vinum Iaponicum": Abrahamus van der Leeuw, Dissertatio medico-practica inauguralis De morbis vere gastricis, 1827 (p. 7 apud Google Books)
Opera antiquiora
1692 : Robertus Boyle, Exercitationes de utilitate philosophiae naturalis experimentalis (Lindaviae: Hechten, 1692) (p. 176 apud Google Books)
saec. XVII : Disputatio de vino et oryza (Estelle Leggeri-Baeur et al., edd., Des mérites comparés du saké et du riz illustré par un rouleau japonais du xviie siècle. Lutetiae: Diane de Selliers, 2014)
1781 : Isaac Titsing, "Bereiding van de sacki" in Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen vol. 3 (1781) pp. 238-244
Ugo Alfonso Casal, "Some Notes on the Sakazuki and on the Role of Sake Drinking in Japan" in Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan 2a ser. vol. 19 (1940) pp. 1-79
Naomichi Ishige, The History and Culture of Japanese Food (Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2001) pp. 32-35, 262-266