The Duchess of Malfi

Titulus editionis primae The Duchess of Malfi (1623)

The Duchess of Malfi (titulus Anglicus, scilicet "Ducissa Amalphitana") est tragoedia ab Ioanne Webster anno fere 1613 scripta. Anno aut eodem aut insequenti a Servis Regiis (The King's Servants) acta est. De eadem fabula ludum conscripsit Lupus de Vega (El mayordomo de la duquesa de Amalfi). Bertoldus Brecht et W. H. Auden novam recensionem ludi Websteriani paraverunt Novi Eboraci annis fere 1943/1946 pro actrice Elisabetha Bergner, sed malo successu.[1]

Historia ludi scaenici e fabula sexta et vigesima dempta est libri primi Novellarum Matthaei Bandello. Ille sub titulo "Il signor Antonio Bologna sposa la duchessa di Malfi e tutti dui sono ammazzati" mythistoriam (sed potius historiam veram) narravit ducissae Amalphitanae Ioannae de Aragonia, sororis cardinalis Ludovicus de Aragonia. Illa cum marito et filiis, si fontibus credere licet, iussu fratris anno 1510 necata est.


  1. Roberta Barker, "The Duchess High and Low" in Luckyj pp. 42-65 (vide pp. 53-54)


  • Marcia Lee Anderson, "Webster's Debt to Guazzo" in Studies in Philology vol. 36 (1939) pp. 192-205
  • Susan C. Baker, Judith A. Whitenack, "Desire and the Social Order in the "Duchess" Plays of Lope and Webster" in Pacific Coast Philology vol. 27 (1992) pp. 54-68
  • John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (III): 'The Duchess of Malfi'" in Studies in Bibliography vol. 15 (1962) pp. 57-69
  • Fabienne Darge, ""La Duchesse de Malfi" impose sa liberté absolue" (recensio ludi Francogallice docti) in Le Monde (24 Ian. 2011)
  • Teresa Ferrer Valls, "Bandello, Belleforest, Painter, Lope de Vega y Webster frente al succeso de la Duquesa de Amalfi y su mayordomo[nexus deficit]" in Vibha Maurya, Mariela Insúa, edd., Actas del I Congreso Ibero-asiático de Hispanistas Siglo de Oro e Hispanismo general (Delhi, 2010) (Pompaelone: Publicaciones digitales del GRISO; Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011. ISBN 84-8081-216-8) pp. 159-175
  • Christina Luckyj, ed., The Duchess of Malfi: A Critical Guide. Londinii: Continuum, 2011. ISBN 978-0-8264-4124-9 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Domenico Morellini, Giovanna d'Aragona duchessa d'Amalfi: spigolature storiche e letterarie: a proposito d'una novella di Matteo Bandello. Caesenae:Vignuzzi, 1906 Textus apud
  • Irving Ribner, "Webster's Italian Tragedies" in Tulane Drama Review vol. 5 (1961) pp. 106-118
  • Sara Jayne Steen, "The Crime of Marriage: Arbella Stuart and The Duchess of Malfi" in Sixteenth Century Journal vol. 22 (1991) pp. 61-76
  • E. Tullo, "Duke Ferdinand: patient or possessed? The reflection of contemporary medical discourse in John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi" in Medicine and the Humanities vol. 36 (2010) pp. 19-22 Epitome
  • Frank Whigham, "Sexual and Social Mobility in The Duchess of Malfi" in PMLA vol. 100 (1985) pp. 167-186

Nexus externi

The Duchess of Malfi : Index personarum

Ferdinandus, dux Calabriae • Cardinalis, frater huius • Antonio Bologna, ducissae oeconomus • Delio, huius amicus • Daniel de Bosola, ducissae magister equitum • Castruccio, dominus senex • Marchio Pescarae • Comes Malatesti • Roderico, Silvio, Grisolan, domini • Medicus • Insani
Ducissa Amalphitana • Cariola, huius ancilla • Julia, mulier Castruccio et amasia Cardinalis • Anus
Dominae, tres infantes, duo peregrini, carnifices, aulici et servi

Titulus The Duchess of Malfi
Titulus The Duchess of Malfi

Ludi scaenici: The White Devil • The Duchess of Malfi • Guise