Raimundus (Anglice Raymond) Roseliep (Farley in oppido Iovae die 11 Augusti 1917—6 Decembris 1983) fuit poeta et haicu peritus ac presbyter Catholicus, qui appellatus est "Ioannes Donne [generis] haicu Occidentalis."[1][2]
Parentes erant Ioannes Albertus Roseliep (1874–1939) et Anna Elizabetha Anderson (1884–1967). Anno 1939 gradum baccalaureatum in Collegio Loras, anno 1948 A.M. in lingua Anglica in Universitate Catholica Americae, annoque 1954 Ph.D. in litteris Anglicis in Universitate Dominae Nostrae a Lacu accepit. Presbyter ordinatus est die 12 Iunii 1943 in Cathedrali Sancti Raphaelis Dubuque in urbe Iovae.
Anno 1981, "The Morning Glory" ('Convulvacea'), eius sequentia haicu, in plus quam duobus milibus laophoriorum Novi Eboraci in urbe apparuit:
takes in
the world
from the heart out
our day
into itself
on its own
inner light
- The Linen Bands, 1961
- The Small Rain, 1963
- Love Makes the Air Light, 1965
- Flute Over Walden, 1976
- Walk in Love, 1976
- Light Footsteps, 1976
- A Beautiful Woman Moves with Grace, 1976
- Sun in His Belly, 1977
- Step on the Rain, 1977
- Wake to the Bell, 1977
- A Day in the Life of Sobi-Shi, 1978
- Sailing Bones, 1978
- Sky in My Legs, 1979
- Firefly in My Eyecup, 1979
- The Still Point—Haiku of Mu, 1979
- Listen to Light, 1980
- Swish of a Cow Tail, 1982
- Rabbit in the Moon, Alembic Press (November 1983), ISBN 9780934184168
- The Earth We Swing On, 1984
- Dayton, David, ed. 1980. A Roseliep Retrospective: Poems & Other Words by & about Raymond Roseliep. Ithacae Novi Eboraci: Alembic Press. ISBN 9780934184045.
Nexus externi