Victus paene omnino est pisces. Praecipuas proprietates corporeas unicosque mores exhibet, qui in venatione et praedis capiendis adiuvant. Tres subspecies plerumque agnoscuntur; cristatus autem, una ex prioribus subspeciebus, species plena nunc putatur, Pandion cristatus appellata.
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Gessner, David. 2007. Soaring with Fidel: an osprey odyssey from Cape Cod to Cuba and beyond. Bostoniae: Beacon Press. ISBN 9780807085783, ISBN 0807085782.
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Macdonald, J., et N. R. Seymour. 1994. "Bald Eagle attacks adult Osprey." Journal of Raptor Research 28 (2): 122. PDF.
Mayr, Gerald. 2006. "An osprey (Aves: Accipitridae: Pandioninae) from the early Oligocene of Germany." Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 86 (1): 93–96. doi:10.1007/BF03043637.
Mundkur, Taej. 1988. "Recovery of a Norwegian ringed Osprey in Gujarat, India." Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 85 (1): 190 Editio interretialis.
Reese, J. 1969."A Maryland Osprey population 75 years ago and today." Maryland Birdlife 25 (4): 116–19. Editio interretialis.