Notio Visconsiniensis
Carolus R. Van Hise , praeses Universitatis Visconsiniensis , Notionem Visconsiniensem vehementer saeculo vicensimo ineunte suadebat.
Robertus M. La Follette, Sr. , gubernator (1901β1906) et senator (1906β1925), leges generales Notionem Visconsiniensem promovendas suadebat.
Notio Visconsiniensis [ 1] [ 2] est ratio in Visconsinia , civitate Civitatum Foederatarum , proposita et effecta, qua universitates publicae populum et societatem adiuvant: "gubernationi per officium publicum, consilium de ratione publica praebendum, informationem suppeditandam, sollertiamque technicam exercendam, et civibus per quaestiones civitati magni momenti investigandas coniunctionesque externas faciendas."[ 3] [ 4] Altera huius philosophiae pars est conatus ad "leges bene excogitatas perferendas quae plerumque hominum iuvare conantur."[ 5] [ 6] Per Aevum Progressivum , suasores Notionis Visconsiniae civitatem ipsam "laboratorium democratiae " habebant, unde legum latores in Visconsinia leges sanxerunt quae exemplaria aliis civitatibus et gubernationi foederali profuerunt.[ 7]
Nexus interni
β Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
β Vel fortasse Consilium Visconsiniense. Anglice : Wisconsin Idea.
β Anglice : "to the government in the forms of serving in office, offering advice about public policy, providing information and exercising technical skill, and to the citizens in the forms of doing research directed at solving problems that are important to the state and conducting outreach activities.
β Stark 1995.
β Anglice " "to ensure well-constructed legislation aimed at benefiting the greatest number of people."
β Myers 1991.
β Myers 1991.
Altmeyer, Arthur J. 1958 . The Wisconsin Idea and Social Security. Wisconsin Magazine of History 42(1):19β25.
Asendorf, Anna. 2010 . Wisconsin Idea continues impact after more than 100 years. The Badger Herald, 1 Martii.
Carrington, Paul D., et Erika King. 1997 . Law and the Wisconsin Idea. Duke Law Faculty Scholarship, Paperd, 192.
Carstensen, Vernon. 1956 . The Origin and Early Development of the Wisconsin Idea. Wisconsin Magazine of History 39(3):181β188.
Davidson, Randall. 2006 . 9XM Talking: WHA Radio and the Wisconsin Idea. Madisoniae: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 0299218708 .
Doan, Edward N. 1947 . The La Follettes and the Wisconsin Idea. Novi Eboraci: Rinehart.
Heinen, Neil. 2012 . Wisconsinβs Great Idea. Madison Magazine, Ianuario.
Hoeveler, J. David, Jr. 1976 . The University and the Social Gospel: The Intellectual Origins of the "Wisconsin Idea." Wisconsin Magazine of History 59(4):282β298.
Howe, Frederic C. 1912 . Wisconsin: An Experiment in Democracy. Novi Eboraci: Scribner's.
MacLean, Elizabeth K. 2007 . Joseph E. Davies: The Wisconsin Idea and the Origins of the Federal Trade Commission. Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Iulio.
McCarthy, Charles. 1912 . The Wisconsin Idea. Novi Eboraci: Macmillan Company.
Myers, R. David. 1991 . The Wisconsin Idea: Its National and International Significance. Wisconsin Academy Review 37(4):4β7.
Stark, Jack. 1995 . The Wisconsin Idea: The University's Service to the State. In Wisconsin Blue Book: 1995-1996, 1β80. Madisoniae: Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau.
Ward, David. 1992 . Serving the State: The Wisconsin Idea Revisited. Educational Record 73(2):12β16.
Nexus externi