Jasper Griffin (natus die 29 Maii 1937; mortuus die 22 Novembris 2019), philologus et antiquitatis eruditus, fuit socius Collegii Ballioli professorque emeritus litterarum classicarum apud Oxonienses. Alumnus est Hospitii Christi et Collegii de Balliolo Oxoniensis ubi Literis Humanioribus studuit. Ab anno 1986 socius est Academiae Britannicae.
- 1980 : Homer. 2a ed., 2001
- 1980 : Homer on life and death
- 1982 : Snobs
- 1985 : Latin poets and Roman life. 2a ed., 1994
- 1986 : The mirror of myth: classical themes & variations
- 1986 : Virgil. 2a ed., 2001
- 1986 (editor cum Ioanne Boardman et Oswyn Murray) : The Oxford history of the classical world. Editiones posteriores titulo The Oxford history of Greece and the Hellenistic world, 1991 et 2001
- 1987 : Homer: The Odyssey. 2a ed., 2004
- 1991 (editor cum Ioanne Boardman et Oswyn Murray) : The Oxford history of the Roman world. 2a ed. 2001
- 1995 : Homer: Iliad, Book Nine
- 1998 : The art of snobbery
- 1999 (editor) : Sophocles revisited: essays presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones
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