프란시스 클루니

프란시스 자비에 클루니(Francis Xavier Clooney, 1950년 - )는 미국의 예수회 사제이자 힌두교의 가르침을 연구하는 학자이다. 비교신학의 선두주자이다. 현재 매사추세츠주 케임브리지에 있는 하버드 대학교 신학교의 교수로 재직 중이다.


  • Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, in the World (Fortress Press, 2018) ISBN 978-1506417714
  • His Hiding Place Is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence (Stanford, 2013)
  • Comparative Theology: Deep Learning Across Religious Borders (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
  • The Truth, the Way, the Life: Christian Commentary on the Three Holy Mantras of the Srivaisnava Hindus (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009) ISBN 978-0-8028-6413-0
  • Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Sri Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2008) ISBN 978-1-58901-211-0
  • Divine Mother, Blessed Mother: Hindu Goddesses and the Virgin Mary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004) ISBN 978-0-19-517037-5
  • Hindu God, Christian God: How Reason Helps Break Down the Boundaries between Religions (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 978-0-19-513854-2
  • Hindu Wisdom for All God’s Children. (Orbis Books, 1998) ISBN 978-1-59752-068-3
  • Seeing through Texts: Doing Theology among the Srivaisnavas of South India. (State University of New York, 1996) ISBN 978-0-7914-2996-9
  • Theology after Vedanta: An Exercise in Comparative Theology. (State University of New York Press, 1993) ISBN 978-0-7914-1366-1

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